Wednesday, May 15, 2013

How to Start a Moneymaking Website Free

1. Find a free website platform you can comfortably navigate. Blogs are an excellent way to start your free website. 'Blogger,' Google's version of the blog, is easy to use and easily searchable.

2. Choose a topic that you know a lot about. Create a name for your blog, as well as a URL, that relates to what your blog is about. Creating an online presence is all about making your blog easily searchable.

3. Decide on keywords your blog topic relates to. Write three articles of 500 to 700 words each, that use your keywords. Use each keyword no more than three times for each article. Upload the articles to your blog.

4. Seek vendors to advertise on your blog. What you're doing is renting space for them to advertise. Different ways to advertise pay differently, so look for the one that works for you. 'Blogger' has its own system called AdSense.

5. Research businesses that want you to advertise by having you write about their product on your blog. This can be lucrative depending on the company and product.

6. Maintain your blog and edit it meticulously. Continue to work with keywords. The wider your audience, the more you can earn from advertisers. The more visits your blog gets, the higher the rate others will pay for space on your blog.

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