Sunday, May 26, 2013

How to Add Twitter to a Prosense Theme

1. Log in to your Twitter account and scroll to the bottom of your homepage. Note a copyright for Twitter, then a series of links that include 'About Us' and 'Status.'

2. Click the 'Goodies' link at the bottom of the page. You will come to a page with three options: Applications, Widgets and Buttons.

3. Select the 'Widgets' option. You will be taken to a page with different widget options, with the default being 'My Website' and a series of widgets types including Profile Widget, Search Widget, Faves Widget and List Widget. Each widget will have a description of what it does underneath the title.

4. Customize your widget using the options available, including the Username settings, preferences, appearance and dimensions. Once you are done, click 'Finish and Grab Code' at the bottom of the edit window.

5. Copy your code by highlighting it (clicking and dragging your mouse over the code), right-clicking and selecting 'Copy.'

6. Log in to your WordPress website's Administrator page and select the 'Widgets' option from the left-hand sidebar. If it is not visible, click the 'Appearance' tab to open the menu with the widgets option.

7. Drag the 'Text' widget to one of your widget columns on your sidebar.

8. Paste the HTML code you copied from Twitter into the text box and click 'Save.' The code will now save to WordPress, and your Twitter feed will now be viewable on your page.

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