Thursday, May 9, 2013

How to Advertise Using Twitter

1. Create a Twitter account for your business. Choose a unique user name, such as the name of your business.

2. Complete your Twitter profile. Include your location, a short description of your business and a link to your company website.

3. Create a custom background for your Twitter page. Go to 'Settings' and click the 'Design' tab. Press 'Change Background Image' and upload a picture. Choose a background that is reminiscent of your business, such as a picture of your building or your services.

4. Start following people and other businesses. Search for similar businesses, friends, family members, professional colleagues and clients.

5. Accumulate Twitter followers to increase your impact. Include your Twitter information on email signatures and business cards to encourage others to follow you. Reply to conversations and retweet others' content to increase Twitter followers.

6. Begin tweeting important news or information three or four times per day. Include timely news pieces, announcements of your services and other company news.

7. Launch a Twitter advertising campaign after you accumulate some followers. Tweet your sales, specials and other promotions. Offer followers deep discounts if they use a special coupon code.

8. Offer contests or quizzes to encourage your Twitter followers to participate. Make the contest prize a free item or service at your business. This boosts your followers and raises local awareness of your business.

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