Monday, May 27, 2013

How to Build an Ad

1. Add a content management system to your website hosting account. Log into the administrator control panel for your website hosting account. Install a content management system, such as WordPress, Joomla! or Drupal, according to the instructions provided by your Web host.

2. Sign up for a publisher advertising program, such as Google AdSense, Microsoft adCenter or adBrite. Once you are enrolled, the advertising program will provide you with log-in information to access your account, view reports and retrieve ad code for your site.

3. Create your content pages. Log into your content management system and add a new page. For example, from the WordPress Dashboard, select 'Add New' under the 'Pages' menu to add a new page to your website. Place content, such as text, images or video, on your new page.

4. Place ad code on your pages. Log into the advertising program you signed up for and retrieve ad code according to the instructions provided by your advertising program. Copy the code and paste it into your website. If you are using WordPress, for example, you can install a plugin, such as Advertising Manager, AdRotate or Author Advertising Plugin, which can help automate the placement of ads on your website.

5. Publish your pages. Follow the instructions provided with your content management system. For example, you can simply press the 'Publish' button in WordPress once you are done with a page.

6. Verify your ads. Log out of your content management system and visit your website. Confirm that the ads on your website are being displayed and formatted correctly. Make any necessary changes.

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