Wednesday, January 1, 2014

How to Reinstate Your Google AdSense Account

1. Gather as much information as possible about the events surrounding the termination of your AdSense account. Hopefully, you have some idea as to why Google suspected your account of click fraud. Have you ever paid for website traffic, or do you have reason to believe that someone may have clicked your advertisements repeatedly out of malice? Could family members have clicked your advertisements, thinking that they were being helpful? Anything that you know could prove valuable in the reinstatement process. Analyze your server logs for suspicious activity such as repeated visits from the same IP address; your Web hosting company may be able to help with this.

2. Open a Web browser and navigate to the Invalid Activity Appeal form at

3. Type all of your contact information in the top part of the form, including your AdSense publisher ID. The publisher ID begins with the letters 'pub' and ends with a string of numerals. If you are unable to access your AdSense account to view your publisher ID, obtain it from the source code of your website.

4. Describe your website using the next part of the form. Google wants to know which website you display AdSense advertisements on, the types of visitors that your website attracts, where the website's content comes from, how many people have administrative access and how often the website is updated.

5. Describe the circumstances surrounding the banning of your AdSense account using the third part of the form. This information should include whether you have ever paid for traffic, what you do to advertise your website and whether visitors might feel compelled to click your advertisements even if they are not interested in them. Tell Google if you have ever violated AdSense's terms, and any other information you have about the events leading up to the banning of your account, including any suspicious activity that you have found in your server logs.

6. Click the 'Submit' button to submit the appeal form, and allow several days for Google to send a response.

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