Tuesday, January 28, 2014

How to Make an Online Registration Form

1. Copy the following HTML code:

2. Paste the registration form code into the HTML code of your website.

3. Change “youremail@email.com” to your email address. This is the email address where the registration form will be sent.

4. Change “Online Registration” to the text you’d like to show above your registration form. This can be the name of your event.

5. Edit existing text boxes in the sample. For example, if you don’t need the “zip code” as a part of the registration form, delete the entire code for that entry:Zip Code:

6. Add the following code into the HTML above the “input” tags if you need to create a new text box blank:Text Box Name:

7. Configure the new text box blank. For example, if you want to add “cell phone number” to the form, change “Text Box Name” to “Cell Phone Number” and change the name='boxname' to name='cellphone'.

8. Save the changes to your code and upload your webpage to your website host to view your online registration form.

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