Thursday, January 2, 2014

How to Add AdSense to Your Blog

Sign Up for an AdSense Account

1. Start at the AdSense home page (see the Resources section below).

2. Take a tour or use the 'Click Here to Apply' button to get started.

3. Enter your Web site or blog URL, determine if you are a business and identify what country you are in.

4. Provide the name, address, phone number and email address of the person who will be paid through AdSense. You must be over 18 to participate.

5. Choose whether you would like AdSense for content, AdSense for search, or both.

6. Check the boxes to agree to the AdSense terms of service and click on the 'Submit Information' button.

7. Verify your personal information and indicate whether or not you would like AdSense to be attached to an already existing Google account.

8. Wait for AdSense to approve your account.

Put AdSense on Your Blog

9. Confirm your AdSense confirmation via email.

10. Read the AdSense terms and conditions and click the 'I Agree' button.

11. Click on the 'AdSense Setup' tab. Decide whether you want to add AdSense for content and/or AdSense for search.

12. Choose between 'Ad unit' or 'Link unit' ads for AdSense for the content option.

13. Choose the format and placement of your ads to the blog and decide if you want to track your ads with channels.

14. Highlight and copy the AdSense code from the box. This will put the code on your clipboard.

15. Go to your blog 'Dashboard' and choose the 'Layout' link. Choose an 'Add a Page Element' link.

16. Find the AdSense link in the 'Choose a New Page Element' box and click on the 'Add to Blog' link. Paste the AdSense code and choose the layout for your ad on your blog.

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