Friday, January 3, 2014

How to Create a Peel Back Ad Unit

1. Download and unzip the script from GitHub. Upload the files into the same directory as the webpage where you plan to install the peel back ad.

2. Create two images for the peel back ad. One image will be displayed on the website by default. This image should be 50 x 50 px. The second image will be the expanded, full ad. This image should have about 485 x 349 px of visible space. Upload both images to your server.

3. Define a click URL. This will be the URL that your ad will direct traffic to once a visitor clicks on it.

4. Edit the script to match your settings. The script has certain default settings, but you will need to modify them to make it work for your site.adImage refers to your smaller image; peelImage is the larger one. Replace peel-ad.png and peel-image.png with the path to your images.For clickURL, enter the name of your URL instead of'Leave smallSize and bigSize alone, unless you desire a nonstandard peel ad.If you are using Google Analytics Tracking, use the tags for gaTrack and gaLabel to coordinate with your analytics settings.

5. Call the script after the

tag of the webpage where you wish the peel ad to appear.The script will look something like this:

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