Tuesday, June 17, 2014

How to Monetize Your Blog With Infolink Ads

1. MONETIZING YOUR BLOG WITH INFOLINKS ADS.The first step if you have not already is to go to blogger.com and open up and account and go ahead and write your blog on whatever topic that you wish. Make sure that your blog is informative and descriptive. The infolinks affiliate program can deny your account if your blog is just thrown together, so create a descriptive and informative blog.

2. Next, once you have created your blog, go to the infolinks affiliate program at http://www.infolinks.com/Home.html. Sign up for a publisher account. The sign up will consist of your personal information as well as your blog URL. Once you sign up you will receive a confirmation email. Confirm the email and go to your infolinks account.

3. Next, once you have confirmed you email account, you will have to wait for the info links affiliate program to approve your blog. Once they do approve your blog, proceed to step 4 below.

4. Next, once that your blog has been approved by infolinks, log in to your account and go the 'Integration Guide' section. Once there, highlight and copy your infolinks ad code.

5. Lastly, log in to your blogger account and go to your blog. Go to the 'customize' section of your blog. You will then be taken to your blog editing page. Click on the 'add a widget' link and paste the code into the HTML/java section and save the settings. Once that infolinks affiliate program recognizes that the code has been placed on your blog, you will notice that some of the text in your blog content is highlighted in green text. These highlighted green text portions are the infolinks ads and you will get paid every time a visitor clicks on and visits the ad.

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