Wednesday, June 18, 2014

How to Improve Google AdSense

1. Make sure keyword tags relate to the content within the website. Someone will be less likely to click on an ad for a blender if he is visiting a site with information on how to quit smoking. They probably would click on ads related to quitting smoking, though.

2. Do not clutter your website with ads. Place ads away from content information on the website page. Users might get irritated or impatient and leave the site before further exploring other content on the website.

3. Provide more quality content for your site. Content-rich sites may keep viewers on the site for a longer time. This could increase the probability that someone will click on an ad. If your viewers don't find the information they need from your site, they might look elsewhere.

4. Increase traffic to your website. Visit online communities and let other users and friends know about your website. Visit forums about topics related to your website. IF you created a website on how to quit smoking, visiting forums on the subject and letting individuals know about your site could also increase traffic to your website.

5. Search for higher cost-per-click keywords. Use Google's adword keyword tool to find keywords that may be worth more than other keywords for your site. Higher cost-per-click keywords could increase your earnings.

6. Search for popular keywords to add into your sites. Popular keywords will generate more traffic because many individuals commonly use those keywords or phrases in search bars. For example, you could get more views from a keyword that generates 1,000,000 views a month than from a keyword less commonly used that generates only 1,000 views per month.

7. Submit your site to various search engines to index the site among the list of websites that appear in the search results. Viewers can then find your site among the search engine's list whenever they type keywords relating to your site into the search bar.

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