Wednesday, June 4, 2014

How to Build an AdSense Website

1. Register a domain name and set up a web hosting account. Consider web hosting providers such as Blue Host and Go Daddy, or find free hosting providers by checking out the Free Web Hosts directory (see Resources).

2. Build your website using a platform such as Dreamweaver, Microsoft Front Page, or Word Press. You can make your Word Press site look more like an actual website and less like a blog by going into the settings option on the Admin page and creating a static front page. Then, choose to display your content as pages rather than blog posts.

3. Go to Google's AdSense page and apply for an account. It will take from several days to a week to be approved. Fill out the application and provide website URL, website language, and your contact information.

4. Log into your Adsense account once it has been approved. Click on the Adsense Setup tab. Go through the prompts until you get to the page where Adsense generates an HTML ad code for you. Copy the code and paste it into your site's template. Ads should appear immediately on your web page and your Adsense site will be up and running.

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