Saturday, July 6, 2013

How to Make Money With a Personal Blog

1. Write blog posts about your subject that inform and entertain readers. Do not try to copy someone else's style. Writing in your own unique voice will help to differentiate your blog from others on the same subject. If you provide your readers with valuable information, they will be more likely to come back to your blog again.

2. Update your blog with new posts at regular intervals. You do not need to post several times a day, or even every day. However, you should post on a schedule so that people know when to expect new content on your blog.

3. Publicize your blog on social networks like Twitter and Facebook. Do not just update your social media feeds with links to you latest blog posts, as other people may view this as spamming. Instead, engage in conversation with people who are interested in your blog's subject.

4. Design the look of your blog to be reader friendly. Make sure that readers can easily navigate around your blog site and can read the text without strain. Look at blogs that you like to read for ideas about design.

5. Sign up for advertising on your blog. You have many options, including CPM (cost per thousand impressions), ppc (pay per click) and affiliate advertising. What works best for one blog might not be what works best for your blog. For example, a book review blog might do better with affiliate links than PPC ads. However, a blog on search engine optimization might do better with PPC ads. Experiment to discover what works best for you.

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