Monday, July 15, 2013

How to Build an e

Become an Affiliate

1. Become an affiliate. Most websites now use Google's AdSense and Amazon to make money. Sign up with Amazon's affiliate program, as well as Google's AdSense.

2. Select the type of Amazon products that you wish to sell on your website. If you have a site specializing in selling books, then it is best to not use banner ads advertising DVDs---unless they are DVDs of a TV series or movie, which was originally famous as a book.

3. Add AdSense ads to your website. AdSense ads are a bit more difficult to control the content of than Amazon banner ads. You can, however, use the 'Competitive Ad Filter' to stop any company which is on a lot of your pages advertising irrelevant content. Google's 'AdSense Preview Tool' will also let you see what ads are coming up on a particular page, even if they are not showing when you view that page. You can then, using this tool, copy the url of a company you don't want advertising on your website, and paste it into the 'Competitive Ad Filter' box and remove their ads that way.

Sell Your Own Items

4. Use the numerous free e-commerce programs to create a store selling your own products. Also use PayPal buttons on your site. You can really just have a store made up of PayPal buttons, but you should test them all to see if they are working properly.

5. Test out just a few of your items to begin with, and see what proves to be popular. If you spend too much time putting items up on your store, then you may lose valuable marketing time, which is very important in the early stages of your venture. You may also end up disillusioned pretty quickly if you don't get very good results after a lot of hard work. Take things slowly, and tweak things wherever necessary.

6. Advertise your products and website on social networking sites for free. Advertising can be very expensive for a small business, so social networking sites are a great, and free, alternative to traditional advertising.

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