Thursday, January 17, 2013

Can I Link More Than One YouTube Account to AdSense?


Although being able to participate in YouTube's partner program is never guaranteed, there are a few basic requirements for entry into the program. Specifically, videos on your channel must consist of original, high-quality and non-copyrighted content. If you repost content someone else has created -- particularly if the content is duplicated from someone else's channel -- the prospect of your channel being eligible is dim.

Selection By YouTube

When YouTube determines that your channel meets the minimum eligibility requirements for its partner program, it sends you an email inviting you to participate in the program. When you receive the email, click the link within it to be taken to a YouTube page that explains the terms and conditions of the partner program. After you agree to the terms and conditions, you can monetize individual videos, which places ads on them and enables you begin earning revenue from them.


If YouTube hasn't yet invited you to participate in it partner program but you believe your channel and its videos meet YouTube's eligibility requirements, you may apply to become a member of the program. To access the application, log in to your YouTube account and click the 'Creators and Partners' link at the bottom of the screen.

Linking to AdSense

Once you have agreed to the terms of service for YouTube's partner program, YouTube asks you to which AdSense account you would like to transmit your ad share earnings. By default, YouTube selects the AdSense account associated with the Google account you use to manage your YouTube channel, but you may choose any Google account you wish and use one AdSense account for multiple YouTube channels.

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