Monday, May 26, 2014

How to Create an SEO Glossary

1. Draw up a list of SEO terms. Gather them by browsing SEO- and Web-marketing websites such as SEOBook, Virtual Grace and Kuno Creative, or online-marketing magazines such as 'Visibility' and noting distinctive terms and phrases such as 'click through' or 'broken link.'

2. Note familiar terms and phrases that have a completely different meaning in SEO marketing. 'Bad neighborhood,' for example, refers to a website that Google or another search engine has penalized for the tactics it uses to attract Web browsers. These terms confuse people who don't know the specialized SEO meaning, so it's worthwhile explaining them.

3. Write out the definitions of the phrases, using your own words rather than copying definitions from other sites. Limited amounts of borrowing don't violate copyright, but cutting and pasting on a large scale might.

4. Add some terms of your own if you think of any that are appropriate. The SEO-Theory website, for example, coins 'frogblog' for bloggers who manage several blogs and hop between them making lots of short posts.

5. Compile your definitions and words into a glossary and post it on your Website. If you define one term by referring to another, include a link in the definition that will take readers to the second term.

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