Monday, May 26, 2014

How to be a Blogger

1. Plan FirstYou will need to plan the basics of this blog. You can just start it with one post and build from there. However, going in with a plan can help. For instance, to prepare yourself for blogging on a consistent basis you can study other successful blogs. Then you need to start asking some questions. Can you make money blogging? Can you spend many hours every week writing, promoting, and publishing?

2. Pick Your TopicYou will need to make this blog interesting. But, in actuality, to be a blogger all you really need is the determination to write what you want. That is the beauty of the blogging world: Your opinion counts. Find some of the more popular blogs with themes you like and then consider if you can do similar things in your own way.

3. Choose a Blog Hosting ServiceThere many sites that will make it easy to create and maintain your blog. The best, in my experience, is Blogspot. This service is free, provides templates, and allows you the freedom to not only write but make money doing it. You can even easily add Google Adsense to a Blogspot blog.

4. Publishing FrequentlySome writers begin blogs and post on them once or twice a month. That’s fine; you can be a blogger this way. But if you want to be a serious blogger, and if you want to make money, you will need to post often.

5. Watch Your Readers Come InIn the end, you will be the reason the blog succeeds or fails. Sometimes a failed blog is just a learning experience. Yet you can succeed in the blogging world by defining success in your own way. Maybe you are just doing it to find some readers for the book you wrote, or maybe you just really care about the issue you blog about. You will publish— and you will be read by someone.

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