Friday, March 7, 2014

How to Make Money Writing Ads


Submit your resume to businesses.

Submit an application and your current resume with examples of your best writing to the businesses mentioned above, or similar ones.


A good headline with a quote increases revenue

Compose a headline for your advertisements with 10 to 15 words, use a quote in the headline if possible because it will increase your sales by 28 percent more than a conventional headline. (Headlines with 10 to 15 words also sell better than shorter ones, accounting for 80 percent of total sales generated from the ad.)

3. Using strong words, brief paragraphs and short sentences, write as succinct an ad as possible in an easy, conversational tone as if you were talking to a good friend.

4. Briefly describe the specifics about the goods and/or services that you are selling using testimonials whenever possible to increase the credibility and believability of your ad.

5. Write about the benefits of the goods and/or services you are endorsing instead of the features to give your target audience the impression that this product and/or service will be positively life-changing.

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