Wednesday, March 5, 2014

How to Find a Word on a Page

1. Open Internet Explorer and go to the web page where you would like to find a word. On the top menu, click 'Edit' and select 'Find on this Page' from the pull down menu to open the find toolbar at the top of the web page. Type the find word in the toolbar text box and press the 'Enter' key. If the word is on the page, Internet Explorer will scroll to and highlight the first instance of the word. In the toolbar, use the 'Next' and 'Previous' links to navigate to other instances of the word on the page. Click the 'Options' pull down menu in the find toolbar to select whether highlight all find word instances or only ones that match the case you entered in the text box. The right side of the find toolbar gives you the number of matches on the page. Click the 'X' on the left side of the find toolbar to close the toolbar.

2. Open Mozilla Firefox and navigate to the page on which you would like to find a word. Select 'Edit' from the top menu, then 'Find' from the pull-down menu to open the find toolbar. Enter the word you would like to find in the textbox find toolbar. Firefox will highlight the first instance of the word. Use the 'Next' and 'Previous' arrows to navigate through mentions of the word. Click the 'Highlight all' button next to the navigation arrows to highlight all instances of the find word. Click the checkbox on the toolbar to only search for instances of the word that match the case of your find word. Click the 'X' on the right side of the find toolbar to close the toolbar.

3. Open Google Chrome and navigate to the page on which you would like to find a word. Click the wrench icon in the upper right corner of the Chrome browser and select 'Find' from the pull-down menu to open the find toolbar at the top of the webpage. Enter the word you would like to find in the textbox on the find toolbar. To the right of the word, a number, x of y will appear. The x is the highlighted instance of the find word, and the y is the total instances of the word on the page. If x and y are both zeros, the word is not on the page. To the right of this in the find toolbar, use the down and up arrows to navigate from one instance of the find term to the next. Click the 'X' on the right side of the find toolbar to close the toolbar.

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