Friday, January 3, 2014

How to Get Rid of the Advertising Panel on Google

Via Firefox

1. Download and install Firefox from

2. Launch Firefox. Select 'Tools' from the toolbar, then select 'Add-ons.' A new window will open.

3. Type 'Adblock' into the search bar of the new window and press return. Adblock Plus will be the first result. Select 'Add to Firefox.' Click 'Install Now' when prompted.

4. Restart Firefox in order for the installation to take effect.

Via Safari

5. Download and install Safari from

6. Download Safari adblock from Open the .dmg file after downloading and follow the on-screen instructions to install adblock.

7. Restart Safari to activate the adblock plugin.

How to Create a Peel Back Ad Unit

1. Download and unzip the script from GitHub. Upload the files into the same directory as the webpage where you plan to install the peel back ad.

2. Create two images for the peel back ad. One image will be displayed on the website by default. This image should be 50 x 50 px. The second image will be the expanded, full ad. This image should have about 485 x 349 px of visible space. Upload both images to your server.

3. Define a click URL. This will be the URL that your ad will direct traffic to once a visitor clicks on it.

4. Edit the script to match your settings. The script has certain default settings, but you will need to modify them to make it work for your site.adImage refers to your smaller image; peelImage is the larger one. Replace peel-ad.png and peel-image.png with the path to your images.For clickURL, enter the name of your URL instead of'Leave smallSize and bigSize alone, unless you desire a nonstandard peel ad.If you are using Google Analytics Tracking, use the tags for gaTrack and gaLabel to coordinate with your analytics settings.

5. Call the script after the

tag of the webpage where you wish the peel ad to appear.The script will look something like this:

How to Add a Google AdSense Code

1. Go to the Google AdSense website (see Resources) to sign up for an account. Enter your Web site URL and your site's language. Select whether you want a business or individual account. Enter your contact information, such as your address and phone number. Agree to the terms and conditions and click 'Submit'. Once you have submitted your application and verified your email address, it will usually take 2-3 days for Google to approve your application, but it can sometimes take as long as a week.

2. Login to Google AdSense after your application has been approved. Click 'Account Setup'. Select either the AdSense for Content product or the AdSense for Search product. AdSense for Content will place ads on your site. AdSense for Search will place a search box on your site.

3. Choose the format, color and font for the AdSense ad product. Click 'Continue'. Choose your search type, selected sites and optional keywords for the AdSense search product. Click 'Continue' and answer the questions until you get to the last page.

4. Click 'Submit and Get Code'. On the next page, the AdSense code will appear as a long block of HTML code. Copy it by holding down the mouse button and dragging the mouse over the code to highlight it. Right-click on 'Copy'.

5. Go to your Web site's template and paste the code between the body tags of the template's HTML.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

How to Add AdSense to Your Blog

Sign Up for an AdSense Account

1. Start at the AdSense home page (see the Resources section below).

2. Take a tour or use the 'Click Here to Apply' button to get started.

3. Enter your Web site or blog URL, determine if you are a business and identify what country you are in.

4. Provide the name, address, phone number and email address of the person who will be paid through AdSense. You must be over 18 to participate.

5. Choose whether you would like AdSense for content, AdSense for search, or both.

6. Check the boxes to agree to the AdSense terms of service and click on the 'Submit Information' button.

7. Verify your personal information and indicate whether or not you would like AdSense to be attached to an already existing Google account.

8. Wait for AdSense to approve your account.

Put AdSense on Your Blog

9. Confirm your AdSense confirmation via email.

10. Read the AdSense terms and conditions and click the 'I Agree' button.

11. Click on the 'AdSense Setup' tab. Decide whether you want to add AdSense for content and/or AdSense for search.

12. Choose between 'Ad unit' or 'Link unit' ads for AdSense for the content option.

13. Choose the format and placement of your ads to the blog and decide if you want to track your ads with channels.

14. Highlight and copy the AdSense code from the box. This will put the code on your clipboard.

15. Go to your blog 'Dashboard' and choose the 'Layout' link. Choose an 'Add a Page Element' link.

16. Find the AdSense link in the 'Choose a New Page Element' box and click on the 'Add to Blog' link. Paste the AdSense code and choose the layout for your ad on your blog.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

How to Make Google My Search Engine

Internet Explorer 8

1. Locate the search box in Internet Explorer. This is located in the upper-right corner of the program.

2. Click the 'Down' arrow in the search box. This is located next to the magnifying glass icon.

3. Select 'Manage Search Providers' after you've clicked the down arrow.

4. Select 'Google' from the list of search providers and click 'Set as default.' Click 'OK' to save your settings. If Google isn't listed in the initial list of search providers, continue to the next step.

5. Click 'Find more search providers' in the 'Manage search providers' window. Enter 'Google' in the search box and click 'Install search provider.' Click the check box next to 'Make this my default search provider' in the confirmation box that appears. Finally, click 'Add' to complete the process.


6. Locate the search box in the upper-right corner of Firefox.

7. Click on the arrow located on the left side of the search box. A list of possible search engines appears.

8. Select 'Google' from the list. You have now set Google as your primary search engine.

Adwords Tutorial

1. Go to the Google AdWords website (See References below). Click 'Start Now.'

2. Determine your Google account status. Click the radio button that describes the status of your account. Enter an email address and password then click 'Create Account' if you do not already have one. Type your Google account information if you have already registered.

3. Set the time zone and currency preferences. Select a time zone and currency from the drop-down menus and click 'Continue.' A confirmation email will be set to the registered email address.

4. Sign in to your AdWords account. Click 'Create Your First Campaign.' Enter a campaign name, set the locations and languages, networks and devices, bidding and budgets, and ad extensions. Click 'Save and Continue.'

5. Create an ad and keywords. Click the radio button beside the ad type. This includes text ad, image ad, display ad builder, and mobile ad. Enter a Headline, Description line 1, Description line 2, Display URL and a Destination URL. Enter 10 to 20 keywords in the space provided and click 'Save and continue to billing.'

6. Set up your billing account. Select a country or territory and click 'Continue.' Choose a form of payment and click 'Continue.' Agree to the terms and click 'Continue.'

7. Finalize your payment. Enter your billing address and credit card type to finalize the order.

8. Manage your ads. Sign into your Google AdWords account for billing cycles, tracking performance and viewing other features.

How to Reinstate Your Google AdSense Account

1. Gather as much information as possible about the events surrounding the termination of your AdSense account. Hopefully, you have some idea as to why Google suspected your account of click fraud. Have you ever paid for website traffic, or do you have reason to believe that someone may have clicked your advertisements repeatedly out of malice? Could family members have clicked your advertisements, thinking that they were being helpful? Anything that you know could prove valuable in the reinstatement process. Analyze your server logs for suspicious activity such as repeated visits from the same IP address; your Web hosting company may be able to help with this.

2. Open a Web browser and navigate to the Invalid Activity Appeal form at

3. Type all of your contact information in the top part of the form, including your AdSense publisher ID. The publisher ID begins with the letters 'pub' and ends with a string of numerals. If you are unable to access your AdSense account to view your publisher ID, obtain it from the source code of your website.

4. Describe your website using the next part of the form. Google wants to know which website you display AdSense advertisements on, the types of visitors that your website attracts, where the website's content comes from, how many people have administrative access and how often the website is updated.

5. Describe the circumstances surrounding the banning of your AdSense account using the third part of the form. This information should include whether you have ever paid for traffic, what you do to advertise your website and whether visitors might feel compelled to click your advertisements even if they are not interested in them. Tell Google if you have ever violated AdSense's terms, and any other information you have about the events leading up to the banning of your account, including any suspicious activity that you have found in your server logs.

6. Click the 'Submit' button to submit the appeal form, and allow several days for Google to send a response.