Saturday, June 1, 2013

How to Submit My Articles to a Google Group

Submit an Article to a Google Group

1. Go to

2. Click on 'More.' When the popup box appears, slide your pointer over to 'Groups' and click. You will see a 'Search Groups' button at the top of the screen, 'Search for a Group' button in the middle of the screen and a 'Start a group' form at the bottom left of the screen.

3. As a first measure, in the 'Search Groups' form, perform a search for 'article' and whatever keyword is important to you. For example, 'article widget' should turn up a list of all groups that allow postings of articles on widgets or that contain posts with both of the words 'article' and 'widget' within them.

4. Another keyword search you can perform is 'reprint article.' Search for 'reprint article' and your specific keyword topic. You can also search for specific groups. Some popular Google Groups that allow writers and marketers to post articles are Reprint Articles for Ezines and Websites, Free-Reprint-Articles, and free-article-content.

5. If you know a specific group that accepts article submissions, go ahead and perform a search for that group. Go back to the Google Groups search page and, in the 'Search for a group' form, type in the name of the group you want to find. For example, if I want to find Free-Reprint-Articles, then I'll type that name into the search box and scroll down until I find the group I'm looking for.

6. You will likely not be able to distribute articles through a Google Group until you join that Group. Click on the title of the group that you want to join.

7. Click on 'Join this group.' You will get a screen with a sign in form on one side and a 'New to Google Group?' prompt on the other. If you are not a member of Google Groups, you'll have to join Google Groups before you can join any specific group.

8. Join Google Groups and follow the directions. Then join the specific group you want to join. Be sure to read the FAQs and rules of the group before submitting articles. When ready, post a message.

9. One more way that you can find a group where you can post your articles is to browse the Google Groups categories. To do this, go back to the main Google Groups search page.

10. Click on the 'Browse group categories' link.

11. You can search by topic, region, language, activity level and number of members. Click on a link and keep narrowing your focus until you find a group that is suitable for your interests.

Create a Google Group

12. Another way you can distribute your articles through Google Groups is to create a group. This allows you to moderate a group and to set the rules and guidelines for posting to your group. You can allow other people with similar interests to post their articles to your group or close it so that people can join and read but can't post unless given the proper privileges.

13. Back at the main Google Groups search page, go to the 'Start a group' form and fill it in.

14. Give your group a name that will accurately portray the nature of your group and the audience you are seeking.

15. Add an e-mail address so that you can receive messages through the group.

16. If you already have a mailing list that you want to add, type in the e-mail addresses of your list members.

17. Complete the process by clicking on 'Create' and following the directions.

18. You can begin posting your articles after you have set your moderator preferences, which either allows others to post to your group or simply read and enjoy.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

How to Put AdSense Ads in a Post on Blogger

1. Log into your Adsense account.

2. Choose your ad units-text, image or both. Choose the ad format and colors.

3. Generate and copy the AdSense code.

4. Sign into Blogger and go to your Dashboard.

5. Create new post. Write your post, then click on 'Edit HTML' tab.

6. Paste your AdSense code at the end of the post.

7. Publish your post.

How to Create a Free Website With Freewebs

1. Sign up for an account at Freewebs. This will require you to provide basic contact information, as well as choose a username and password. The username you choose will be used as part of your site address.

2. Choose the template you would like to use for your Freewebs website on the 'Create' tab. There are nearly 50 template designs from which to choose. Click to select the template, and then confirm that you want to choose that website template.

3. Describe your Freewebs website in the 'Describe Your Site' section. Give your website a site title, place it in up to three categories and choose a location where you reside. Click the 'Done' button to finish setting up your site.

4. Click the 'Select' button under the description of the 'Basic' website. This choice will give you the free Freewebs website. Your site will now load and you can choose either 'Help Me Build My Site' or 'Start Building On My Own' from the pop-up dialog box.

5. Follow the wizard if you have chosen the option of 'Help Me Build My Site' to create your website. Here you will select the type of website you want to create and create the pages for your website.

6. Use the tools on the left side of the browser to create your site if you choose 'Start Building On My Own' or have finished with the 'Help Me Build My Site' wizard. These tools allow you to add text, images, videos and links to your website. Click the 'Save' button in the upper right corner to save your Freewebs website as you create it.

Monday, May 27, 2013

How to Build an Ad

1. Add a content management system to your website hosting account. Log into the administrator control panel for your website hosting account. Install a content management system, such as WordPress, Joomla! or Drupal, according to the instructions provided by your Web host.

2. Sign up for a publisher advertising program, such as Google AdSense, Microsoft adCenter or adBrite. Once you are enrolled, the advertising program will provide you with log-in information to access your account, view reports and retrieve ad code for your site.

3. Create your content pages. Log into your content management system and add a new page. For example, from the WordPress Dashboard, select 'Add New' under the 'Pages' menu to add a new page to your website. Place content, such as text, images or video, on your new page.

4. Place ad code on your pages. Log into the advertising program you signed up for and retrieve ad code according to the instructions provided by your advertising program. Copy the code and paste it into your website. If you are using WordPress, for example, you can install a plugin, such as Advertising Manager, AdRotate or Author Advertising Plugin, which can help automate the placement of ads on your website.

5. Publish your pages. Follow the instructions provided with your content management system. For example, you can simply press the 'Publish' button in WordPress once you are done with a page.

6. Verify your ads. Log out of your content management system and visit your website. Confirm that the ads on your website are being displayed and formatted correctly. Make any necessary changes.

Google AdSense Click Exchange Tips

Coordinate Ads With Content

Make sure that the text size and font color match the content of your site. For example, if your site's background is white and its text is black, the background and text of the ads should be white and black as well. This helps the ads blend into the content of your site, making it much easier for someone to click on an ad. If the ads are of a completely different color, they will stick out like a sore thumb and the visitor will pass over them without a thought. Because everyone hates huge in-your-face ads, the best way is to camouflage them so that they do not even appear to be ads in the first place.

Increase Traffic

Because the average person does not click on ads, it is of utmost importance to drive massive traffic to your site. Without traffic, you simply will make little or no money. Getting a few hits a day will not do the trick. In order for AdSense to be effective, you must have hundreds and even thousands of visitors stopping by your site a day. One way to do this is by promoting your content on social networking sites such as Twitter, Digg and Delicious. There must be an ample amount of back links pointing to your site. Comment on blogs and send emails. Do whatever it takes to drive traffic without creating spam.


Utilize search engine optimization (SEO). The ads generated by AdSense are a direct reflection of the content on your site. Therefore, if the theme of your article is learning how to focus, you may get several ads dealing with the Ford Focus car. In order to eliminate this problem, you must use words that only relate to the message that you are trying to present. Ads also pay according to how popular the content is. Financial help and Web development ads will pay more than cooking ads. If you are experiencing little pay because of your content, maybe think about hosting several websites that deal with a variety of topics. Finding a niche topic that not too many people have written about is a great way to earn revenue.

How to Tell if You Were Blocked in GChat on Adium

1. Open a Web browser and navigate to Click the 'Sign In' button, followed by the 'create an account for free' link. Follow the onscreen instructions to create a new Google account.

2. Click the 'Finder' icon in the computer's dock, followed by the 'Applications' folder icon. Double-click the 'Adium' application icon to launch the application.

3. Click the 'Adium' menu and select the 'Preferences...' option. Click the 'Accounts' tab and click the '+' icon. Select the 'Google Talk' option from the drop-down menu.

4. Type your new Google Account login credentials in the spaces provided and click the 'OK' button to sync Adium with your new Google Account.

5. Click the 'Contact' menu and select the 'Add Contact' option. Click the arrow to the right of the 'Contact Type:' heading and select the 'GTalk' option.

6. Type the contact's GTalk ID in the space provided and place a checkmark next to your new Google Account listed next to the 'On Accounts' heading.

7. Click the 'Add' button to add the contact to the new GTalk account's buddy list. Locate the contact on both buddy lists. If the contact appears online on the new list but offline on the original list, the contact has blocked your original GTalk account.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

How to Add Twitter to a Prosense Theme

1. Log in to your Twitter account and scroll to the bottom of your homepage. Note a copyright for Twitter, then a series of links that include 'About Us' and 'Status.'

2. Click the 'Goodies' link at the bottom of the page. You will come to a page with three options: Applications, Widgets and Buttons.

3. Select the 'Widgets' option. You will be taken to a page with different widget options, with the default being 'My Website' and a series of widgets types including Profile Widget, Search Widget, Faves Widget and List Widget. Each widget will have a description of what it does underneath the title.

4. Customize your widget using the options available, including the Username settings, preferences, appearance and dimensions. Once you are done, click 'Finish and Grab Code' at the bottom of the edit window.

5. Copy your code by highlighting it (clicking and dragging your mouse over the code), right-clicking and selecting 'Copy.'

6. Log in to your WordPress website's Administrator page and select the 'Widgets' option from the left-hand sidebar. If it is not visible, click the 'Appearance' tab to open the menu with the widgets option.

7. Drag the 'Text' widget to one of your widget columns on your sidebar.

8. Paste the HTML code you copied from Twitter into the text box and click 'Save.' The code will now save to WordPress, and your Twitter feed will now be viewable on your page.