Saturday, February 15, 2014

How to Increase Google Adsense Income

1. Develop high-quality pages of content for your website. The better content you have, the longer viewers will stay on your site and the more likely they are to click on your ads. If your content is copied from other sites or if it doesn't hold your viewers' attentions, they will leave your site, and they are unlikely to return.

2. Choose high-paying keywords for your content. Visit the AdWords Keyword Tool. Click 'Traffic Estimator' and plug in some keywords related to your site, then click 'Search.' This will show you how popular these words are and how much a typical click costs the advertiser. This is a good estimate of how much money you would make every time someone would click on your AdSense for that keyword. Create more content that includes those keywords throughout the page.

3. Build your site traffic so that there are more potential ad clickers on your site. Build a social media presence on sites like Facebook and Twitter. Add friends and followers to each of these sites and begin to post links to your new pages as you create them. Intersperse these site updates with information about your personal life, since followers are more likely to click your links if they are personally invested in your and your site. Another traffic-building method is to get other sites to post links to your articles in trade for you posting links to their sites.

4. Place your largest AdSense block above the fold on all your pages. Placing an ad above the fold means that the ad can be seen by viewers as soon as the page loads without having to scroll down. This can increase the amount of times the ads are seen which may lead to more income.

5. Use multiple types of AdSense formats. There are text link ads, ad blocks and Google search ads. Place just one of these ads on each of your pages. While it may seem that placing multiple ads of each format on each page, it actually decreases the click-through value of all the ads on that page.

6. Experiment with your ad placement, colors and sizes. Since every website is different, each site may have a different ideal type of advertisement. For example, try one color scheme on half of your pages and then try another on the other half. Compare the results after a month and then adopt the color scheme that generated the most income. Continue to test your ads as your site grows, since even a small tweak can lead to major results.

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