Monday, April 8, 2013

How to Make Money With Google Knol

1. Making Money With Google Knol.The first step is to sign up with google adsense so you will have an account for your earnings to be sent to.

2. Next, sign up with google knol and edit your profile. When you edit your profile, add your google adsense identification number in the proper place on the account editing page. Now google adsense can keep track of your earnings.

3. Next, start writing knols (articles) about anything that you know about. You can write a knol about any topic whatsoever except pornography. Make sure to read the terms of use to make sure what all else is accepted.

4. Next, you get paid for every unique visit that comes to your page. Google adsense records these unique visits and pays you based on the amount of unique visits.

5. Lastly, to increase your google knol income, keep writing knols because google knol actually does the search engine placement for you and they will advertise your knols for you within the google sites.

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