Thursday, March 21, 2013

How to Insert an Ad into Every WordPress Post

Manual Method

1. Access your advertisement management system and retrieve the HTML or JavaScript code to display your ad. For example, if you use Google Adsense, log in to Adsense to retrieve the ad. Copy the ad code to your clipboard.

2. Paste the ad code into a Notepad file. Save the file to your desktop. Name it 'Ad.php.' Make sure you save the file format as 'All Files' instead of the default 'TXT' format.

3. Access your website's file manager. The process depends on which Web host you use. Most Web hosts have browser-based file managers you can access from your account. Click on the 'WP-Content' folder on your server. Click on 'Themes.'

4. Click on the WordPress theme you are currently using. Upload the 'Ad.php' file to the directory using the on-screen tools. Save the changes.

5. Log in to your WordPress administration page. Click on 'Edit' beneath 'Appearance' to bring up the theme editor. You'll see the list of template files on the right. You should see the 'Ad.php' file.

6. Click on the 'Single.php' template file. This is the page template used for WordPress posts.

7. Type the following code where you want your ad to appear in the post template:

8. Click 'Update.' Visit your site to make sure the ad shows up.

Plug-in Method

9. Log in to your WordPress administration page. Click on 'Add New' beneath 'Plug-ins.'

10. Search for 'Smart Ads.' Click 'Install' and then click 'OK.'

11. Click 'Smart Ads' under the 'Settings' bar.

12. Paste your advertisement code into one of the ad boxes. You can use the 'Top of Content' or 'Beneath Content' box. You can also insert the code into the 'Custom' box. When adding the code to the custom box, type '[smartads]' inside the post editor where you want the ad to appear. Click 'Save.'

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