Sunday, February 24, 2013

Explanation of Google Adwords Adsense

Main Differences

Adwords is used by advertisers who place ads in Google's search pages -- and on websites with related content -- in order to generate traffic to their website. Adsense is used by website publishers who place Adwords ads on their site to generate revenue.

How It Works

Adwords advertisers pay Google a certain amount per click for every click on their advertisements, which appear in Google's sponsored links section whenever someone types in relevant keywords. They can also choose to place their ads on websites with related content for extra exposure. Google then pays website publishers with relevant content -- who are Adsense customers -- a certain percentage of what Google earns from these ads. This percentage is not disclosed by Google.

How to Apply

You need to create a Google email account, then sign in to Adwords using your Google email and password to begin creating Adwords ads. You can design your ad with simple-to-use tools, enter relevant keywords, set your daily budget and specify the amount that you're willing to pay per click.You need to fill out an application with personal information and details about your website to apply for Google Adsense. Google will then review your application and get back to you, usually within a matter of days.

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