Sunday, March 9, 2014

How to Place a BidVertiser Code Above the Scroll

1. Navigate to the Google Browser size tool URL. Enter your website location in the text box 'Enter URL here', click 'Go' and view your website. Use this tool to determine what content is appearing above the scroll on your website for the various Web browser sizes in use. Decide which screen size you want to optimize your website.

2. Navigate to Google support and view the 'heat map' provided by Google which shows the areas of advertising placement on a Web page that result in increased clicks. Use the 'heat map' together with the browser size tool to decide upon the optimal placement for your BidVertiser advertisements.

3. Log in to your BidVertiser account. Select the website you are placing the code on using the radio bar selector. Click 'Choose Template' and select the banner template that you want to use. Open a text editor of your choice, click get ad code and copy and paste this into the text editor for later use.

4. Edit the HTML code of your website using your preferred method and place the BidVertiser code in your identified position. Upload the revised Web page to your server. Repeat this for all pages you want to display the BidVertiser code on. Load the amended Web page in your browser and confirm that the BidVertiser advertisements are displaying in the desired location.

5. Head back to the Google browser size tool URL and confirm that the BidVertiser code is appearing above the scroll in the desired position.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

How to Create a Free Recording Studio Site

How to Create a Free Online Studio Recording Website

1. Sign up for an account with Squarespace. This is a professional website creation and hosting service that is also highly affordable for the average person. You will be guided through all aspects of website design, layout and content creation. If for some reason you don't like Squarespace, choose another website design and hosting service with similar qualities.

2. Begin designing your free recording studio site. This includes creating or using written content, back-links to other relevant websites, images and videos that are relevant to home-based recording efforts. To attract visitors, you will want to make use of SEO writing and tagging techniques.

3. Once you are satisfied with your website's relevant content, add links to top-notch free online recording software for your visitors to download and use. These include Audacity, Pro Tools and KRISTAL software programs.

How Does Google Ads Work?

Google Adwords

Google ads start in a program called Google Adwords. With this section of the process, the individual advertiser signs up for accounts. Advertisers then have the ability to create advertising campaigns based on keywords. The advertiser will create an advertisement and then choose what keywords will trigger the ad to be displayed. When a customer types that keyword into Google, the advertisement can show up on the side of the results page. Then if a user clicks on the advertisement link, Google charges the advertiser a fee based on the value of the keyword.

Google Adsense

The other side of the program is known as Google Adsense. With this portion of the program, website owners can put Google ads on their pages. The website owner signs up for an account with Google and is then given a piece of code to insert into his pages. Google then looks at the page content and decides what ads to place on the page. This puts related ads into the content of the Web page. Then if someone clicks on the ad, the website owner gets a portion of the revenue.

Advertising Options

When you are an advertiser with the Google advertising program, you can select from several different marketing options. For example, you can choose to not have your ads displayed on content providers in the Adsense program and only have them displayed on search engine results. You can also specify whether you want your ad displayed only for exact search matches or if the keyword can be part of a longer search. You can choose from several options to completely customize your strategy.


One of the attractive features of the advertising program with Google is that you can set a maximum daily budget. This means that once your budget is reached for the day, your ad will no longer be displayed online. This allows you to keep the advertising campaign within a reasonable cost level. Once your ad stops showing for the day, customers will stop visiting your site as a result of it. This makes it possible for anyone with any budget to use Google ads to promote their products and services.

Friday, March 7, 2014

How to Make Money Writing Ads


Submit your resume to businesses.

Submit an application and your current resume with examples of your best writing to the businesses mentioned above, or similar ones.


A good headline with a quote increases revenue

Compose a headline for your advertisements with 10 to 15 words, use a quote in the headline if possible because it will increase your sales by 28 percent more than a conventional headline. (Headlines with 10 to 15 words also sell better than shorter ones, accounting for 80 percent of total sales generated from the ad.)

3. Using strong words, brief paragraphs and short sentences, write as succinct an ad as possible in an easy, conversational tone as if you were talking to a good friend.

4. Briefly describe the specifics about the goods and/or services that you are selling using testimonials whenever possible to increase the credibility and believability of your ad.

5. Write about the benefits of the goods and/or services you are endorsing instead of the features to give your target audience the impression that this product and/or service will be positively life-changing.

How to Determine the Most Popular Keywords for a Website

1. Navigate to the keyword density tool web page.

2. Type in or copy and paste the URL for your website into the text box labeled 'Valid URL'.

3. Determine how many elements you would like to include in your scan, such as meta, alts and title tags. If you're a beginner with SEO keywords and don't know where these keywords should be placed for the most strategic results, leave all three checked to get the most detailed results from the search as possible.

4. Select no under the section headed 'Include numerals,' unless your website is directly related to a particular date, year, or number. For instance, a website about the mathematical value of pi will include the reoccurring use of '3.14' and therefore should have 'Yes' selected under this section.

5. Select the length of your keyword phrases under the section title 'No. words'. Generally, 1 or 2 word keyword phrase searches are more preferable as they are more commonly recognize by a search engine. But three word phrases can be used if desired.

6. Fill out the security Captcha, which asks you to retype a series of distorted numbers and letters, a process used to deter automated computer spamming of the website.

7. Click on 'analyze'.

8. Peruse the results page, which is listed in descending order, from the most used keyword to the least. Pick between three and 15 keywords with the highest density that directly relates to your topic, and you will pick the most popular keywords on your web page.

How to Transfer a Google Adsense Account

Change Your Bank Account

1. Changing your bank account in Adsense is a relatively simple process. Simply click on your 'Account' tab.

2. Once you are in your account section, click 'Payment Details.'

3. Inside 'Payment Details,' click 'Electronic Funds Transfer.'

4. Now choose to add a new bank account. Simply type in your new bank account number. The change should be instantaneous.

Change Your Payee Name

5. Changing your payee name won't take many more steps than changing your bank account, but it will take more time. First, click again on your account tab.

6. In the account section, click 'Account Settings.'

7. Click the 'Edit' button under the payee information section. You will not be able to edit the payee name immediately. Click the link 'Contact us.'

8. In the 'Contact us' section, click the option 'Want to change my payee name.' A box will appear where you may write your new payee name. As confirmation of your identity, you will need to also provide the day that you first registered for Adsense and the number of impressions you registered that day.

9. Google will respond to your request after 48 hours, and, if you are approved, the name will change.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

How to Make Google Adsense Channels

1. Open your preferred Web browser and navigate to the Google Adsense website. Log in if necessary.

2. Click the 'My ads' tab at the top of the page. Click the 'Custom channels' link. Click the 'New custom channel' button.

3. Enter a name for the Channel in the field provided. Click the 'add' button next to the ads you want to add to the Channel. Leave this part blank if you plan to create new ads for the Channel.

4. Click the 'Show this custom channel to advertisers as a targetable ad placement' check box if you want to let advertisers target the Channel. If targeting, fill in the 'Ads appear on' field with the page or pages on which the ads will appear. Select a location in the 'Ad location' drop-down menu.

5. Enter a description for advertisers in the field provided. Select the site language from the drop-down menu. Click 'Save' to create your new Channel.