Tuesday, June 4, 2013
How to Advertise Your Blog Site
1. Write compelling content. Keep your new blog exciting by including value-rich content. In the book 'Problogger--Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income,' Chris Garret writes: 'Half the battle of getting a blog off the ground is to have not just 'good' content but compelling content.'
2. Read other bloggers and comment. Spend time each day reading other blogs of similar content. When you read something you like, leave an encouraging comment. It is very important to actively take part in the blogging community and develop relationships with like-minded bloggers. This helps you establish credibility, and people will then be more interested in what you have to say.
3. Bookmark and link to your favorite bloggers on your own blog. When you show that you value what other bloggers have to say, they are more likely to link back to you. This increases your exposure, helps increase your credibility and is very helpful in the search engines.As the editors of The Huffington Post say: 'You want people to visit your blog, right? Other people want readers to come to their blogs as well. Providing links is the blogosphere equivalent of doing unto others as you would have them do unto you.'
4. Join blogging forums and blogging groups. Getting involved in what other people are doing and saying is vital if you want to be taken seriously as a credible blogger. By joining forums and groups, you show that you are interested in building relationships. Answer questions, offer support, and ask questions to show that you are real and helpful and not just interested in yourself. It also helps to establish yourself as an authority in your field by taking part in the conversation and helping others.
5. Write a press release. Press releases offer a great way to announce your new blog to the world. They offer several advantages. They give backlinks to your website, increase exposure from another credible website and increase link popularity in search engines.
6. Create a Facebook Account. Advertising your blog within your Facebook profile is another way to increase exposure. Facebook now has over 400 million active users, which makes for a huge marketing resource. Don't forget to make friends first.
7. Join the conversation through Twitter. Find like-minded people and topics by using hashtags (placing '#' before your search word or phrase); listen to the conversation. Follow people and then share content. Twitter each time you post new articles and encourage conversation.
How to Move a PhpBB Installation
1. Navigate to the 'Backup Database' menu in the phpBB Administrator panel and perform a full database backup. This will save a copy of your forum's complete database to the default backup folder.
2. Download all files in the phpBB folder using your usual FTP software or online file manager. Every file contained on your Web server should be copied to a backup folder on your hard drive.
3. Open the file 'bigdump.php' located in the 'backup' file using any text editor. Replace the four lines of code with the specified settings for the database login on your new server.
4. Upload all files in the backup folder to your new Web server.
5. Open the file 'bigdump.php' in your Web browser to restore the old database to the new server.
How to Create a Links Page
1. Envision the basic layout. Using a word processor like Microsoft Word or OpenOffice Write, or an HTML editor like Dreamweaver or FrontPage, create an example of how each link should look. Decide what components each link listing will have. Consider items such as title and descriptions.
2. Save the file as HTML. Give the file a title in the 'File Name' box. From the 'File Type' dropdown, select 'Web Page (*.html)'. Be sure to save it somewhere that you can easily access it, such as your Desktop or Documents folder.
3. Add the links. Using the template you created in Step 1, enter each link you want to display. Make sure the links are distinct from the other text, through special colors, styling or images. This will make it easier for your readers to know where to click.
4. Save and view the finished file. Locate the file and open it with your web browser. If there are any changes you'd like to make as to how it displays, open the file in your editing program again, and make them now. Also make sure the links work correctly, and you are taken to the correct website when you click on them.
5. Upload the file to your website. Use an FTP program to upload the new file to your website. Edit the other files to link to your new links page.
How to Place Ads Between Posts
1. Log into your blog account.
2. Locate the 'Page Elements' part of your blog administration page. This is usually located in 'Templates' or a similar area.
3. Check the box reading 'Show Ads Between Posts.'
4. Configure the settings to make the adverts suit your blog. Choose from pre-set sizes and choose how often adverts appear.
5. Click on 'Save' to apply your settings.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
How to Embed Google Ads in Text
1. Open the Web page in a website or text editor like Adobe Dreamweaver or Notepad. If using a Web page editor, make sure the program is in code or source view, not in layout view.
2. Log into your Google AdSense account and select the 'AdSense Setup' from the menu. Choose the 'AdSense for Content' option and click on 'Ad Unit.' Choose the ad format, color and size. Click 'Continue' to generate the AdSense code.
3. Identify the place within the text that you want to place the AdSense code. If your Web page uses frames, make sure the code is being copied into the main frame. Place AdSense ads between paragraphs or to the left or right of the text.
4. Type the code below into the place where you want to place the AdSense code.
5. Copy your AdSense code between the tags.COPY ADSENSE CODE
6. Customize the placement of the AdSense ads within the text. For example, if you want the ads to align left with at least 30 pixels of space between the right of the ads and the Web page text, insert: instead of .
7. Click 'File' and 'Save' in the Web page or text editor to save the changes to your page.
How to Use WordPress
1. Go to your hosting company's website and log into your account. Make sure you are at the control panel of your user profile once you are logged in.
2. Scroll through the control panel or profile options until you see WordPress. Depending on what type of hosting service you have it will be listed in the 'Software/Services' section of the control panel.
3. Click on the WordPress icon and choose whether you want to install a new version or import an existing installation.
4. Check you email for a message from WordPress with your user name and password. This is what you will use to access your WordPress account. You may always have the option to change the default generated password into your own code.
5. Log into your WordPress account. Click 'Appearance on the left hand toolbar and select 'Add New Themes. Choose which theme options you want and click 'Find Themes' to find a theme. Click 'Install > Install Now > Activate' to enable a theme. You may also disable themes by going to 'Appeareance > Themes > Delete.'
6. Go to 'Plug-ins > Add New Plug-ins' to search for plug-ins to add to your sites. Plug-ins may offer the latest Twitter Tools or even SEO for you website.
7. Explore the options on the 'Dashboard.' Do not be afraid to edit your site's PHP by going to 'Appearance and clicking 'Editor.' However if you choose to do this make sure you copy and paste the HTML code into a .Doc file so you can save a backup. Although WordPress is an extremely easy to use software it does not mean that it is error free.
How to Make Money Using Blogger.com
1. Sign up with a Google AdSense account. AdSense works by analyzing the text you have on your page, then displaying text ads that may be relevant to your content. When a visitor clicks on one of these links, AdSense pays you a small amount. You need a high-traffic blog in order to make money with AdSense, because each click isn't worth much on an individual basis -- you need a lot of clicks.
2. Provide a service through your blog. For instance, you might blog about business advice while also offering a consulting service. Attract people to your blog, get them interested, then sell them whatever service you're offering. The service can be anything from consulting to writing to graphic design.
3. Join an affiliate marketing program, such as Amazon.com. This requires that you set up a link to a particular product on your page. Every time someone clicks on your link and purchases a product, you get a cut of the proceeds. The percentage of the cut varies depending on the deal you've set up with the product's owner.
4. Create a tip jar for donations, such as the 'Buy Me a Coffee' one that Chris Garrett used for ChrisG.com. Tip jars work best when you give the reader a reason to donate -- such as to buy you a coffee, or help fund a trip to help people overseas -- and when you have a large readership. Expect only a small percentage of people to donate.
5. Sell branded products from your blog. For instance, if you have a blog dedicated to the pictures you've taken of animals in Africa, you can sell prints of the photos you put up, or use a website like CafePress.com to put these images on T-shirts or mugs, then sell these products.
6. Write and sell an ebook through your blog. Generally, this would be an ebook about something related to your blog, providing a more in-depth look at some of the topics you've covered in your posts.
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