Sunday, June 2, 2013

How to Embed Google Ads in Text

1. Open the Web page in a website or text editor like Adobe Dreamweaver or Notepad. If using a Web page editor, make sure the program is in code or source view, not in layout view.

2. Log into your Google AdSense account and select the 'AdSense Setup' from the menu. Choose the 'AdSense for Content' option and click on 'Ad Unit.' Choose the ad format, color and size. Click 'Continue' to generate the AdSense code.

3. Identify the place within the text that you want to place the AdSense code. If your Web page uses frames, make sure the code is being copied into the main frame. Place AdSense ads between paragraphs or to the left or right of the text.

4. Type the code below into the place where you want to place the AdSense code.

5. Copy your AdSense code between the tags.COPY ADSENSE CODE

6. Customize the placement of the AdSense ads within the text. For example, if you want the ads to align left with at least 30 pixels of space between the right of the ads and the Web page text, insert: instead of .

7. Click 'File' and 'Save' in the Web page or text editor to save the changes to your page.

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