Monday, May 6, 2013

How to Put Ads on Google

1. Go to and sign up for an AdWords account. Once you have done this, log in to your new account.

2. Add money to your account. Ads are paid for on a per-click basis, and will run as long as money is in your AdWords account. If you want, just pay a small amount like $10 in to start with, to play around and get used to the features. To do this, click 'Billing' then 'Make payments.' Don't worry about running out -- AdWords will notify you when your balance is low.

3. Click 'Campaigns,' then 'New Campaign' under the graph in the middle.

4. Fill out the fields and answer the questions that appear. From here, you can choose the languages and countries you want your ad to appear in, the networks (search or AdSense), and your budget for this campaign. Click 'Save and continue' when done.

5. Click your campaign which has now appeared on the left side, under 'All online campaigns.'

6. Click 'New ad group,' just under the graph in the middle.

7. Fill out the fields that appear. This is where you write out the title of your ad and the description text. A preview appears below so you can check what it looks like.

8. Scroll down to the keywords section. This part is important. Enter the keywords relating to your ad in the box on the left. Google use these keywords to determine what searches or websites your ad will appear on -- be sure they are relevant.

9. Set the default pricing for this ad group. Pricing works in a 'bidding' fashion, so if there is a lot of competition for the keywords you have chosen, expect to pay more to get your ad in a good position or to get a decent amount of page views.

10. Click 'Save ad group.' Your ads will appear after they have been approved by Google. Repeat this process for other ad groups or keywords. You can have as many ads or campaigns as you like, and you can edit the ads, pricing and other settings after you see how they perform.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

How to Make One Dollar Per Day Blogging

1. Write about current topics. If you write an entertainment blog, you should write about all of the latest celebrity gossip. This will interest like-minded readers and draw them to your blog.

2. Use proper keyword density. In short, keyword density is nothing more than the number of times the 'key' word or phrase appears in a body of work. For example, the keyword of this step would be the word 'keyword.' As eHow writer Summer Banks explains, keywords should be in 'the first sentence of the first paragraph, the last sentence of the first paragraph, once per paragraph of the body, and in the last sentence of the last paragraph.' When you do this, your work will come up when people search for that particular word or phrase on websites such as Google or Yahoo. For more information, see the Resources section below.

3. Use photos and embed videos in your blog. This helps to make the blog more entertaining for readers which will keep them coming back. Once your blog gets some loyal daily readers, making money everyday from blogging will become a very easy task.

4. Advertise your blog on social networking sites to friends and family. An easy way to get readers to your blog is word of mouth. Posting your blog on sites like Facebook and MySpace will attract your friends to your blog. Hopefully, those people will then tell others and word will spread.

5. Add advertisements to your blog. It's important to remember that you don't just make money from writing a free blog. There must be something to generate revenue. Ads are the way this is done. Google Adsense is a very easy program to use for adding advertisements to your blog.

6. Post your writings on other websites which pay for page views. Since you've published this work on a separate blog, you won't be paid just for these posts. However, websites like Associated Content allow users to post blogs and other pieces onto their website. The website then pays writers for each page view their work receives.

Google Advertising Tools

Google Adsense

Google Adsense is a way for companies to use publishers such as blogs to generate potential sales promoting their products. Advertisers pay for ad space; these ads show up on publisher's pages when they are related to the content written. For instance, when a blogger is writing a review about a specific car, Google Adsense will display ads from matching companies.

Google Adwords

Google Adwords is Google's flagship product. It consists of pay-per-click advertising. Advertisers set up an advertising campaign after doing thorough research on their potential traffic. They set the budget for how many times an ad will be displayed.Advertisers use the keyword tool to study the amount of traffic keyword searches, monthly and globally. This is helpful when choosing keywords to optimize a website. Optimizing a website enables it to move up in Google rankings. This is important for any business who want to be in the top search results of a search engine, whether that is Google or another search engine.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is used for studying traffic visits. Advertisers can list each of their websites on Google Analytics and study the trends. Examples include: repeat visitors, unique visitors, where they are coming from (sources like direct visits, referrals, web searches) and how long they are staying. Google Analytics also lists what specific pages users are landing on when they enter the site.

Google Feedburner

Google Feedburner is generates RSS feeds (Really Simple Syndication). When customers sign up for RSS feeds, they get a listing of all updated posts and news about a website. They can receive updates via email, on their website, newsreader, mobile phones and a variety of other devices.

Google Product Search

Google Product Search allows shoppers to easily find products on the web. Advertisers submit their products to Google Product Search. It's free for advertisers and products may even appear on regular search engine searches.

How to Make Floater Ads

1. Open the CSS file for your website in your favorite HTML-editing program such as Notepad or Dreamweaver. If you do not have a CSS file yet, start a new document in your program and save with the extension '.css.'

2. Paste the following code inside the CSS file:#adTop {






}Save and close the file.

3. Open the HTML file for your page in the same program you used to modify the CSS file. Between the

tags, place the following code:Replace 'images/myad.jpg' with the name and location of your advertisement. Change 'Ad here' with a description of your ad or any text you wish to display when users hover the mouse over the advertisement.Save and close the file.

4. Upload both the CSS and HTML file to your website using either an FTP program or your server's file management tool within the control panel, such as WHM or CPanel. Load your page in a Web browser, and check to verify the advertisement displays and floats.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

How to Place an Ad in the Middle of a WordPress Post

1. Start a new post in WordPress by clicking 'Posts' on the left side of the Dashboard and then clicking 'Add Post.' Type the post so that it is ready to be published. If you have already published the post, click the 'Posts' menu and then click the 'Edit' link below the name of the post you want to change.

2. Open a new browser window or tab and copy the raw code for the advertisement that you want to display. For example, with Google's AdSense service, the code appears in a new window when you create a new ad unit and click the 'Save and Get Code' button. Highlight the code with the mouse pointer, right-click the highlighted code and select 'Copy.'

3. Return to the browser tab displaying your WordPress post, and click the 'HTML' tab at the top of the post edit screen to display the raw code for the blog post.

4. Click to place the cursor at the location in the post where you would like the advertisement to appear.

5. Right-click with the mouse, and select 'Paste' to place the code for the advertisement at the location of the cursor.

6. Click the 'Publish' or 'Update' button on the right side of the page to publish the post with the embedded advertisement.

How to Make Money with Hub Pages


Browse the Hub Pages site online (see link under resources, below) to get a feel for the site and the style and content of the web pages. Note the monetization elements, such as Google Ads and Amazon affiliate links, on the pages. Check out top hubs to see what's involved in the best money-making HubPages.

2. Sign for an account at Hub Pages. Choose a user name and settings. You'll have the option to sign up for Google AdSense at this time, but you can come back and do that step after you have some content up.


Write your first Hub page. Think of a topic that interests you and do a quick search to see if it's already covered. Even if it is, there may be an angle others have missed that you can provide. For example, there are thousands of articles about dogs. But is there one about your experience showing your Australian Cattle Dog at the national championship show?


Polish your article and add photos. Hub Pages with pictures are more interesting than those without, and tend to rank higher.

5. Promote your articles with links on your social sites and by social bookmarking. Send links to family and friends who may be interested in reading your articles.

6. Optimize your monetization outlets on the page. Be sure to sign up with Google AdSense, Amazon and the others available. You can even become a Hub Pages affiliate and earn money for referring writers.


Continue to write your Hubs and focus on quality content. Use phrases you'd Google, in your title and body, to increase rankings with the search engines. But don't overdo it! Write in a natural tone and above all, deliver good content to your readers. The money will usually follow.

How Much Does Google AdSense Pay?

Pay Structure

Each ad displayed through AdSense pays the website publisher based on the 'cost-per-click,' which is the number of website visitors who click on the ad, or the 'cost-per-impression,' which is the number of times the website page is displayed to a visitor and the ad is viewed. Per-click ads are used by default, unless an advertiser has specified that it wants targeted per-impression ads placed on a website.

Another Option

Until August 2008, AdSense also offered website publishers the option of being paid for certain actions taken by readers, such as signing up for a program or ordering a product. This payment structure was offered through a separate program, the Google Affiliate Network.

Pay Rate

Google does not disclose specific data about how much revenue is shared with website publishers, but it says it aims to pay as well or better than other advertising programs. Pay rates are also determined by how much advertisers are willing to pay, with AdSense using a bidding system to choose those that are willing to pay the most. Advertisers are often willing to pay more for ad space on websites that are more likely to attract viewers who are interested in buying their products, such as those sites with relevant niche content. Google will only say, very broadly, that most publishers earn between 5 cents and $5 per 1,000 page impressions.


Income from Google AdSense varies dramatically among users. While many have never generated any income or made just a few dollars a month from the program, some users have made sizable incomes from it, which they can use to live on or to supplement their business.

Payment Thresholds

One thing to keep in mind is that AdSense only pays once cumulative revenue reaches $100 at the end of a month. The payment is then processed and sent at the end of the following month. If the AdSense account is cancelled, the threshold is lowered to $10 and paid within 90 days.