Sunday, February 24, 2013

Explanation of Google Adwords Adsense

Main Differences

Adwords is used by advertisers who place ads in Google's search pages -- and on websites with related content -- in order to generate traffic to their website. Adsense is used by website publishers who place Adwords ads on their site to generate revenue.

How It Works

Adwords advertisers pay Google a certain amount per click for every click on their advertisements, which appear in Google's sponsored links section whenever someone types in relevant keywords. They can also choose to place their ads on websites with related content for extra exposure. Google then pays website publishers with relevant content -- who are Adsense customers -- a certain percentage of what Google earns from these ads. This percentage is not disclosed by Google.

How to Apply

You need to create a Google email account, then sign in to Adwords using your Google email and password to begin creating Adwords ads. You can design your ad with simple-to-use tools, enter relevant keywords, set your daily budget and specify the amount that you're willing to pay per click.You need to fill out an application with personal information and details about your website to apply for Google Adsense. Google will then review your application and get back to you, usually within a matter of days.

How to Increase Clicks on Google Ads

1. Write keyword-rich content for your website. Google AdSense scans your website and displays advertisements that match the keywords that your articles use. If Google is unable to determine the correct advertisements to display, your readers may see generic ads -- or no ads at all. If you run an article through a text analysis tool, you should clearly be able to determine its topic from the most common words and phrases.

2. Select colors for your AdSense units that blend well with the design of your website. Google allows you to customize the background, text and link colors of each AdSense unit, and a unit that looks the same as the rest of your website will look like website content rather than sticking out as an advertisement -- which readers will naturally look away from.

3. Try different AdSense unit sizes and locations. Google offers AdSense units units ranging from the large 728-by-90 pixel Leaderboard to the 125-by-125 pixel Button. If you find that an AdSense unit is performing poorly on your website, change the size and place it in a different location. For example, the 160-by-600 pixel Wide Skyscraper is intended for a website's sidebar area, while the 468-by-60 Banner tends to fit well at the top or bottom of an article.

4. Place AdSense units next to the most important content on a page. Visitors are likely to look at a website's navigation bar and article titles. Most readers will read the beginning of an article, but not all will read the article through to the end. Therefore, an advertisement above the primary content of a page tends to achieve a high CTR because most visitors will look at it before leaving the page.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Tips on Avoiding Internet Plagiarism

Put It in Your Own Words

If you want to use some information from the Web, you probably can do it legitimately if you convey the information in your own words. However, be careful. If you are using some figures or are stating an opinion that is not general knowledge, provide attribution. For example, you can use the capital of a country on your website, blog or in your paper even if you read it elsewhere -- the author of the content didn't invent the capitals. However, if you want to use a rating of Asian capitals according to their standard of living, you should show where you got the information from.

Employ Proper Quotations

It is not plagiarism if you put the information you want to use from an Internet source in quotation marks. Again, attribution is important. However, do not use too many quotes in your work. Ideally, quotes should not make up more than five to ten percent of your content, though there can be exceptions. For example, if you are writing criticism of a certain article, you may need extensive quotes to back up your points. Also, give the URL of the webpage where you found the information and the date when you looked it up.

Use Plagiarism-Detecting Software

There are many online applications that allow users to check whether content is plagiarized or not. The applications use complex algorithms to detect repetition of words. You can choose either free or commercial plagiarism checkers. Free plagiarism-detecting applications include CopyTracker, Plagium, eTBLAST, Chimpsky and Plagiarism-Detect. Copyscape, Plagiarismdetect, Plagiarismscanner and Turnitin provide commercial products.

Use Discretion

Even if your work passes the scrutiny of a plagiarism-detecting application, there is no guarantee that the text or some parts of it can be considered plagiarism-free. Use discretion. If you are getting too close to an existing material available on the Internet, rewrite or clearly indicate where you got the information from.

Friday, February 22, 2013

How to Create a Web Soap

1. Write scripts for five episodes of your Web soap. Make the script run for about 30 minutes. After editing, the soap that appears on the Web will last about 15 minutes.

2. Film the first five episodes and upload them onto for free.

3. Call and email all friends and family to watch your new soap on YouTube. Wait until your episodes get 50,000 views combined. This may take several days to several years, depending on the success of your soap.

4. Apply to the YouTube Adshare program once your episodes hit 50,000 views. Get accepted to the YouTube program and watch as your episodes start to earn money from the ads that are displayed.

5. Continue filming the next episodes and continue uploading onto YouTube.

How to Advertise Personal Training

1. Use online resources. Establish a website that provides information about your credentials, your overall bio, how you can be contacted and the services you provide. You may also try to provide useful information to generate traffic to your site, such as fitness and weight loss tips, articles on fitness and areas for visitors to comment or upload information. Enrolling in an internet advertisement program like Google adsense may also help your website generate revenue and visibility. Social networking sites might also prove useful. Set up a fan site for your personal training services. You might also establish a personal training blog that you update regularly with fitness news and personal reflections on your trade.

2. Become an expert. Offer to be a guest speaker about fitness and personal training. Don't underestimate the value of the venue for your speaking engagements. A high school gym class, a church or a local civic center may all prove useful for getting your name out there. Try to keep your talk funny and engaging -- be memorable. Demonstrate physical activities and ask for audience participation to help you in any demonstrations. You might also upload personal training videos and speeches to online video forums like YouTube.

3. Use traditional fliers. Traditional fliers and business cards are still useful sources of advertising. Get permission to post your services at your local health club center's bulletin boards. Use the areas near the elevator of local office buildings or apartment complexes. Try to create a flier that is catchy, is free of spelling errors and has colorful graphics. Use a gimmick in your flier to get people hooked. For example, advertise for a free fitness demonstration that you will provide in the community. Dress professionally (clean workout suit, not skin-tight spandex) and put on a great performance. Offer a discount if people sign up for your services immediately after the demonstration.

4. Join a professional organization. Many personal training certification programs also offer membership services. Their websites will often have a link that lets visitors look through a directory of certified members who are available for services. Professional organizations like the National Academy of Sports Medicine also provide great networking opportunities with others in the field. Use those networking events to find out what the competitive rates are for services and marketing techniques that work for your colleagues.

5. Encourage referrals. Encourage your satisfied clients to tell their friends about you. Offer a free training session for every referral that they make. Be a great trainer and help your client to obtain noticeable results. There's no doubt that if they've had dramatic weight loss their friends and family will want to know how they did it.

How to Get a Higher CPC With Adbrite

1. Visit the adBrite website and click on 'Log in' in the upper-right corner.

2. Click on 'Manage ad types' and deselect the checkbox next to 'Auto-approve ads.'

3. Click on 'Review ads' and click on the checkboxes of the high-CPC ads you want to approve. You can see the CPC for each ad in the third column of the table.

4. Click 'Save' to finish approving the ads.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

How to Promote a Cafe Press Shop

1. Target online buyers. Add a link to all your email signatures for curious clients. Mention your shop on your blog, others' blogs and on message boards relating to your interest or business. Put a link on your website with graphics of available products. Consider buying some Google Adsense advertising.

2. Fill up your own website. Of course, many of your customers frequent your web space. This is the ideal place to promote your Cafe Press shop. However, a single link won't cut it here. This is the place to play up your products. Show photos of the products in use and let satisfied customers provide a quote.

3. Target buyers in real life. Make sure your customers know where to find your products. Have products available in your home to show guests and other supporters of your business and/or art. Wear the t-shirts and use the coffee mugs yourself. Consider giving them as gifts to favorite relatives.

4. Target your professional networks. Take some sample products to your local networking meetings. Place the link on your business card. Have sample products on display in your office or place of business, with your link prominently displayed.