Friday, July 25, 2014

The Disadvantages of Advertising on Web Pages

Customer Defection

Most visitors to a website will not mind a few ads to support the website. However, certain ads are considered especially annoying. Pop-up ads are one type of advertisement that discourages visitors. In addition, banner ads that automatically play sound are also disliked. Advertisements that users find obnoxious could lead to defections to competitors' websites.

Search Engine Penalties

Placing too many ads on a website, with not enough content, may harm your Google ranking. In 2011, Google started taking action against 'low quality' websites, which are characterized by a low ratio of unique content to affiliate links. The algorithm classifies these kinds of websites as 'spam' and punishes their Google rank accordingly. Although the details of the algorithm changes are not publicly known, Google announced that it does not treat its own ads any different from competitors ads, so running Google ads will not negate ranking penalties.

Customer Resistance

One disadvantage of relying on advertising for income is that a certain segment of the consumer demographic has a strong distaste for ads, even unobtrusive ones. Some are willing to pay money to make them go away -- hence, the rise of subscription services that remove advertisements among other benefits -- but some will respond with ad-blocking programs such as NoScript. These ad-blockers can hurt advertisers and websites that sell ad space.

Malware And Trojans

Some ad providers do not sufficiently screen ads for potentially malicious software. Hosting these ads on your website may infect visitors to the site with malware. If the infection is traced to the specific site, your website may be blacklisted by search engines and Web browsers -- to say nothing of the damage to your reputation. Sites can remain blacklisted for days while the origin of the malware is tracked down, discouraging new traffic.

How to Find Where My Clicks Originated in Adwords

Basic URL Channels

1. Log into Google Adsense using your Gmail email address and password. Click on the 'Performance Reports' tab at the top of the screen and then on the 'URL Channels' in the menu to the left.

2. Create a new URL Channel to track clicks on sites, such as Hub Pages, Infobarrel and Bukisa, by clicking on the 'Add URLs to Track' button just below the graph showing this month's performance.

3. Type one URL per line in the window that pops up. Use short website addresses by removing the 'http://www.' Make sure your URLs read something like this: ',' ',' or ''

4. Close the window once you've finished adding your URLs. URLs along with data related to that URL will appear below the graph on your 'Performance Reports' page, once someone visits your page or when they click one of your ads. Make a note on what URLs get the most traffic and clicks. Use what you learn to increase the traffic to weaker URLs to get even more clicks.

Custom URL Channels

5. Log into Google Adsense by using your email address and password. Click on the 'My Ads' tab at the top of the screen and then on the 'New Ad Unit' button at the top of the page. Fill in the information for your new ad, such as its name, so you can identify its size, colors, text or image ads, and under what channel its data will appear.

6. Select a channel in the 'Custom Channels' box if you've made channels in the past, or click on the 'Create New Custom Channel' link sitting right above it. Use a name you'll remember. For example, if this add will be appearing on your personal site in the sidebar, name it 'Site name, Sidebar.'

7. Click on the 'Save' button on the bottom of the window to add your new custom channel. Notice that the ad you've just made is linked to that channel. So when a user visits that page or clicks on an ad, those stat will appear on your 'Performance Reports' tab beside the URL name 'Site name, Sidebar.'

8. Click on the 'Save and Get Code' button once you're finished and pass that code onto your blog or website. That code will communicate traffic and clicks to Google Adsense so you can get paid.

9. Keep track of what URLs or ad placements perform well. Find out if the deciding factor when it comes to clicks is the size of the ad, colors or placement. Use that data to create new ad channels for even more clicks and ad revenue.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

How to Put Ads in Feedburner Email

1. Navigate to and log in to your account.

2. Click the feed for which you want to put ads in email subscriptions.

3. Click the 'Monetize' tab and then click the 'sign in to Adsense' link. This will redirect you to your Google Adsense account page.

4. Click the 'Adsense Setup' tab and then click 'Adsense for Feeds'.

5. Select the type of Adsense unit you want, the frequency you want it to display in the email, position and color scheme.

6. Under the 'Feeds' heading, choose the feed you want. All feeds you have registered with Feedburner that do not currently have Adsense should be available. Click the 'Save' button to apply your changes.

How to Post Internet Ads

Sign up for Google Adwords


Google Adsense will post your ads on publishers' websites, and only charge you for results.

Go to and sign up for a free account. Fill out all pertinent information, and then go to 'Create your first campaign.' Select the details of the campaign, including the campaign's name, the demographics that relate the most to the ad, and the minimum-maximum amount of money that can be used in your account to bid on clicks. Then hit 'save and continue.'


Using text ads online is a very effective way to drive traffic to your site.

Construct your ad. Choose from a text ad, an image ad, a video ad or a mobile ad. For text ads, fill out the title, two lines of basic description, the URL that users will see, and the URL that the users will go to once they click on your ad. Then, in the box below, fill in the keywords that you want to target specifically. For other ads, the ad will be created after the campaign is saved.

3. Select the country where your billing address is located. Payment options vary depending on the country. For American users, two options are available: prepay billing, in which the cost of clicks is reduced from a prepaid balance as the ad that was created is shown on various sites, and postpay billing, in which the credit card that was entered will be charged as the ad is clicked on.

4. Read the Terms of Service and agree or disagree to the terms outlined by Google.

5. Fill in your billing information, including the billing address and all pertinent information, as well as completing the two optional questions on the bottom of the page to give Google information about the campaign. Then hit 'Save and Activate' and the campaign is live.

Sign up For Adbrite

6. Go to, and click on 'create an account.' Fill out all required information, and accept the terms and conditions. Then click on 'Create an ad zone on your site.'

7. Select the types of ads that you want to show on your site. You can place banner ads, text ads, full page ads or inline ads. Agree to not place incentives to click on ads, and that the ad zones will not be placed on sites containing pornographic content. Then click on 'Set ad specs.'

8. Pick a size and colors for the ads, and decide whether family friendly or all available ads will be shown on the site. Also, decide whether to auto-approve ads, and plan out the 'house ad,' the advertisement that will show when no paid ads are available.

9. Describe the site, giving the name, URL, and a short description of the layout. Then decide on the name of the ad zone. After that has been done, begin entering keywords pertaining to the site, and chose a category that relates best to the content on the site. After that has been done, click on 'set pricing.'

10. If there are already ads from other networks on the site, select 'yes' on the next page. If not, select 'no.' Then click on 'get ad code HTML.' Then, copy and paste the ad code on the next page onto the site, and ads will begin showing within 24 hours.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

How to Create a Free Business Website With BlinkWeb

1. Set up your account by registering at BlinkWeb (see Resources below). You can start building your site as soon as you're registered.

2. BlinkWeb is similar to many sites that provide free Web building and hosting in a number of ways. What are the similarities? It offers free hosting on a BlinkWeb subdomain or helps you buy your own domain for hosting the site. You can choose from a number of attractive templates. You can add a blog. You can add a number of pages with text, images and video.

3. How is BlinkWeb different from all the others? It's super easy to use. That's a nice plus. The templates and tools are all aimed at marketing. There are widgets that will insert forms and ads from Google and Google AdSense. There's a page type specifically for sales letters. The designs for the templates are business oriented.

4. Other features at BlinkWeb that you may find useful include being able to add your own meta information in the form of keywords and descriptions. The video tutorials are simple and clear if you don't instantly see how to accomplish some task. (You will probably instantly see how to do most tasks, since the interface is a quick drag-and-drop style workspace.)

How to Set Up a Website to Earn Cash

1. Set up your website as a blog or other informational site. Write about a topic that interests you or in which you have experience. This makes it easier to update the page and keep your motivation high. Update regularly to keep interest high and use a forum to allow comments. The more interested your readers are, the more likely they are to bookmark the page and come back for more.

2. Use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to get your site at or near the top of search results. Using commonly searched keywords in your blog or articles will help search engines identify your content and its relevance. Don't force terms where they don't fit. Doing this can actually reduce the ranking of your site if search engines like Google catch on. Hire an SEO expert for quick optimization, but research them thoroughly to prevent damage to your site's ranking.

3. Sign up for Google AdSense or become an affiliate with a well-known Internet store, such as Amazon. AdSense will earn you cash every time a visitor clicks the ads on your site. Google makes money with each click and a percentage of that revenue is paid to you. Online marketplaces like will advertise products on your site and you earn a commission for each product that sells. If you sell over a certain amount each month, the pay percentage will increase.

How to Get Hits As an Amazon Affiliate

1. Create unique and engaging content to attract visitors to your website. No one wants to read a bland product description or overhyped claims of product performance. For instance, if you are promoting baking products, you could create an article entitled 'Top 10 Baking Mistakes' and link to baking products on Amazon. Write product reviews on your site that target the needs and questions of the average person directly, or post a video of an Amazon product in action. Avoid generic content visitors can find on any other website.

2. Use search engine optimization (SEO) to drive targeted traffic to your website. Identify keywords related to the Amazon products you are promoting and optimize your website to rank well on search engines for those terms.Use your keywords several times on your Web page, especially in headers, the HTML title tag and the descriptive 'meta' tags. Obtain back links from other websites with your keywords as the anchor text, or link title. Writing engaging content will help immensely with this.

3. Place affiliate links 'above the fold.' This Web advertising term refers to the first portion of your Web page visitors can see without scrolling down. Your affiliate links will be most visible here.

4. Place affiliate links within and around your content as well. According to Google, advertisements at the end of articles get more clicks. Each site is different, so move your links around to see where they perform best. Some Web analytics software packages can create a heat map of your website that shows where most visitors click.