Monday, February 4, 2013

How to Sell Ads on Google

1. Create a website that has high-quality content. The content cannot be pornographic, promote violence, hatred or illegal activity.

2. Sign up for a Google AdSense account through the Google AdSense website. Do not attempt to sign up for an account until you have at least 15 pages of content on your website. If you don't have enough content, Google will reject your AdSense application.

3. Place a 'Privacy Policy' page on your website. This is a Google mandate. If you sell Google ads on your site without displaying a privacy policy to your website visitors, your Google AdSense account will be closed.

4. Log into your Google AdSense account. Click the 'AdSense Setup' tab to create the ads you want to display on your site. You will be able to select the type, size and colors for the ad.

5. Copy the HTML code for the ad that you just created. Log into the 'Control Panel' of your website. Select the 'File Directory' or 'File Manager' to display your web page files.

6. Select the page on which you want to sell ads. Click 'Edit' to launch the HTML editor for the page.

7. Paste the Google AdSense into the HTML editor. Google has ad-placement guidelines. Be sure to read the guidelines to ensure you don't violate Google's policy with the placement of your ads. If you violate the policy, it will result in the cancellation of your AdSense account. Click 'Save.'

8. Repeat Steps 4 through 7 for each ad you want to place on your page. Google allows you to have three text or image ads and three link unit ads per page. If you place more than three text/image ads and three link unit ads per page, your AdSense account will be closed.

Tutorial for Google Adsense

1. Log onto Google's main site, Click on the link to create a website using the Adsense program; make sure, though, that your site is a legitimate website with relevant content, and not created for the sole purpose of exploiting the program to gain extra money. If the link isn't immediately available, type 'Adsense' into the search field provided to gain access to the information.

2. Click to sign up for the Adsense program when prompted, or click to enter the site if your searched for it; you'll need your website's URL, the primary language your website uses (i.e. English, German, etc.), and your name, email address, physical mailing address, and phone number.

3. Read all the related policies and read over the user agreement. Look over the information you provided, then, if ready, click 'Submit' to send the information. Wait a few minutes and log onto the email account you provided Google.

4. Open the account activation email from Google. Follow the provided instructions to set up the Adsense account. Log into your Adsense account to retrieve the needed HTML code for your site; fill in the name and password in the fields and click 'Continue.' Click on 'Setup,' then 'For Content.' Click on the 'Ad Unit' icon, and then click 'Continue.' Select your format and then click to continue; a code will be generated. Finally, click to copy the given code, then paste it in the directed section of the site.

5. Log onto the site you created to see the ads generated by the program. When visitors to your site click on any of the available ad banners, you will receive a small percentage based on how many clicks the particular ad received. The amount of money generated depends solely on the amount of clicks and what type of ad is posted.

How to Start an International Trade Blog

Blog About International Trade

1. Start by choosing a theme for your blog. Since international trade is such a broad, umbrella term, you may find it helpful to narrow the scope of your blog. International trade research, marketing, finance and trade trends are all viable topics for a blog on international trade.

2. Find a provider for your blog. Many blog providers are free and have established templates that you simply fill with your own information. There is not much technical expertise required.

3. Register with your chosen blog provider and select a format for your blog. An international trade blog should be easy to navigate, professional, conservative and free from frills. Few people will take your international trade blog seriously if there are unicorns and rainbows all over the place.

4. Customize your international trade blog within the confines of the subject matter and the level of appropriateness. As long as it conveys a sense of authority and professionalism, you should customize your blog to reflect your interests and personality.

5. Visit other blog sites and read related blogs. This is a good way to find things you like about other blogs that you can incorporate into your own. You can also identify things you think are mistakes, so that you can make your blog even better.

6. Select your target audience and decide whether you are writing this blog to promote international trade within the circle of your friends and family or to inform the world at large. You can make a private blog that is password protected, allowing only certain people to read it. For a blog of this sort, however, you'll most likely write for anyone who wants to read your work, so a public blog will probably be best.

7. Research what you write and double-check your facts before you publish content to your site. Nothing is likely to cause you to lose readers faster than inaccurate information, typos and other inconsistencies.

How to Put Ads on a Church's Website

1. Log in to your church website using the appropriate login and password information. Look over your website and strategize where you should place ads. Try to keep all ads pertaining directly to the church on your homepage (landing page) where everyone will see the ads at first glance.

2. Create your ad using a photo editing program such as Photoshop or Picasa. If you have the ad already completed, size it to fit on your home page and upload it to a photo hosting website such as Photobucket or Tiny Pic. Then, use the following HTML code to display:Save changes and preview your website.

3. Sign up for a Google AdSense account to display general ads on your website. This will earn you some extra income for your church, as you are paid a percentage per visitor click. You can sign up for an account by visiting, and following the registration prompt.

4. Specify that ads are formatted to 160x600 Wide Skyscraper. Use the color 'web-standard blue' for both the ad heading and link. Finally, select black text for the body of the ad. If possible, place ads on the left upper side of your home page. You can select this from the AdSense control panel, but you must ensure independently if this will work with your webpage layout. If not, opt for a tall ad upper left, and a wide ad along the bottom.

5. Be sure you specify with Google AdSense and other providers what type of ads you accept -- and do not accept. Web ads are highly targeted. Your church leadership must set guidelines on what advertising you will reject. Categories include entertainment, certain types of products or services and even other places of worship.

6. Make these and any other future changes by logging into Adsense and clicking the 'Ad Settings' button. Select 'Ad Format' and then click on the 'Ad Colors' palette and other specifications to match your preferences. Highlight and copy the HTML code generated and paste into your website in the above mentioned locations. Save changes and again preview your website to ensure everything is working properly.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

How to Make Money If You Are a Disabled Person

Incentives for Companies to Hire People With Disabilities

Federal incentives and protections ensure that people with disabilities have access to a wide range of employment. Federal tax incentives include a business tax break, an architectural and transportation tax credit, a small business tax credit and a work opportunity tax credit for those businesses that hire employees with disabilities and comply with federal workplace accessibility guidelines. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission prohibits companies under the jurisdiction of the Americans with Disabilities Act from treating disabled employees unfairly, such as firing them, neglecting to promote them or harassing them because of their handicap.

Working from Home

Many disabled people find working from home easier than traveling to an office, and the Internet allows more and more people with disabilities to earn a living from home. Most at-home jobs require a basic degree of computer literacy and self-discipline. According to Disabled World, disabled people can work from home as medical transcription employees, call center and customer service representatives, affiliate marketers who sell other people's goods and mystery shoppers; alternatively, they can sell their own items on auction sites.


Many resources help disabled people who are in the job market. The website offers, at the time of publication, more than 14,000 resources from both the local and federal government, as well as academic institutions, and covers many topics of interest for disabled people including employment. You can conduct searches on a state or national level and find information about job fairs, job openings for those with disabilities and jobs for veterans who have sustained injuries.

Federal Employment

While many disabled people work in the private sector, federal jobs employ a larger number of handicapped Americans. Since the implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Executive Order 13078, government jobs have made conscious efforts to hire qualified applicants with disabilities to contribute to the diversity of the workforce. Since 1980, disabled people have comprised 7 percent of the civilian federal workforce, and they work across all types of government jobs.

Google Adsense for Beginners

Signing Up

To start using Google Adsense, go to the program's home page and log in with a valid Google or Gmail account. If you do not have a Google account, you will have to set one up and then go back to the Adsense page. When you click on the 'Sign Up' link, you will be directed to the Google Adsense application form. Here you will have to enter your website's URL and agree to the Adsense terms of use, then fill out the sections of the form involving your personal information and hit the 'Submit' button at the bottom. Your application submission will be sent to Google, and the Adsense team will examine your website to determine if it is suitable for Google advertisements. After a few days, you should hear back from Google about the status of your application. If you are accepted into the program, the confirmation email will explain how to log in to Adsense and begin using the program.

Getting Ads

Once you have been accepted to the Google Adsense program, you can start adding ads to your Web pages and earning revenue. First, log in to the Adsense site, go to the 'Adsense Setup' tab at the top of the window and then click on the 'Get Ads' link. Go through the ad creation wizard, choosing what size and color of advertisement you want to put on your website. At the end of the ad creation wizard, you will see a large text box with a long string of HTML code inside of it. Copy all of the text and paste it into the code of one of your Web pages. Remember to paste the Adsense code in between the '

' tags, or otherwise the ads will not be displayed properly. If you want to add multiple ads to your website, you can always go back and run the ad creation wizard again.

Receiving Payments

After you have successfully added the Adsense code into one of your Web pages, you should save the content and upload it to your Web server. When visitors go to your website, a rectangle with advertisements sponsored by Google will appear. The Adsense code scans the content of your Web page and posts advertisements that are related to it. Every time someone visits your website or clicks on one of the advertisements, the action is recorded by Google's servers and you are given credit. The amount of credit you receive for a page view or a click is dependent on the advertisements involved. You can check your revenue total at any time by logging in to the Adsense homepage and viewing your account information. At the end of each month, your earnings are added up and the revenue is transferred to a bank account of your choice.

How to Build a Photo Voting Website


1. Select your niche. Brainstorm possible markets that are low in competition. Avoid markets that have corporate competition. Corporations have the funds to promote their Web site and take massive amounts of traffic away from competitors. For this reason, refrain from select a niche that has a well-known company competing in it.

2. Purchase I-Rater Script. Visit the Web site, and select which plan you want. The $97 product provides you with sufficient flexibility and features to get your Web site up and running. You may upgrade to the $127 product at a later date when you are receiving regular visitor traffic.

3. Get hosting. Make sure the hosting services offers php installation and has cPanel. I-Rater Script also offers hosting for $165 a year if you do not want to look for another company.

4. Purchase a domain. This is offered to you when you purchase hosting, so make sure you register a domain at that time. Have the niche you selected inside your domain, and keep it memorable.

Install I-Rater

5. Go to your cPanel. Enter '' in a browser, and wait for the panel to appear. You may be required to log in.

6. Enter the '/public_html/' directory. Scroll through your cPanel until you find the 'Files' icon. Click this icon, and find the '/public_html/' directory.

7. Upload the I-Rater Script. Click 'Upload' while in the directory, browse for the I-Rater files, and then press 'OK' or similar. Wait for the script to upload.

8. Install the script. Enter '' to be taken to the step-by-step wizard. Continue through it, entering all required information.

Customize Site

9. Change the template. Log in to the Web site administrative area of I-Rater. Click 'Templates,' and browse through until you find one you like.

10. Customize the template. Replace logos, headers, colors and side graphics with ones you like. Keep the design clean and professional.

11. Change the layout of the web pages. Drag text sections and image sections around until you have them in the appropriate place. Click 'OK' or similar to save the changes.

12. Replace text. Double-click on the text within the Web page, and type the desired text you want to be displayed. Repeat this for each page on the Web site.

13. Change the verification e-mails that are sent out. Under 'E-Mails,' click on each e-mail separately, and alter the text to the way you want it to display.

Add Photos

14. Log in to the Web site. Click 'Log In' in the upper left side of the screen, and enter your e-mail and password.

15. Submit the photo. Click 'Submit' in the menu, and a new web page will load. Click 'Browse,' and find the file you want to upload. This way, the Web site gets started with a few pictures.

16. Complete the upload. Fill in the required details, and then click 'OK' or similar. The photo will be live for people to vote.