Sunday, May 4, 2014
How to Create a Google Mail Tab in Salesforce
1. Sign into Salesforce.
2. Click your name in the top right corner and select 'Setup.'
3. Click 'Create' under 'App Setup' to expand the menu options. Click Tabs.
4. Click the 'New' button next to Web Tabs.
5. Select whether you want Gmail to fill the entire screen horizontally or if you want to keep the Salesforce sidebar to the left of Gmail.
6. Type 'Gmail' in the Tab Label box. Hit 'Tab' to automatically fill in the Tab Name box.
7. Click the magnifying glass next to 'Tab Style' to select a custom color and icon for your tab.
8. Click the 'Next' button.
9. Type '' in the text box.
10. Click 'Next.'
11. Click 'Save.' You now have a Gmail tab in Salesforce.
How to Set Up YouTube on a BlackBerry
1. Scroll to the 'Browser' icon and press the trackball or tap it to launch it.
2. Press the 'Menu' key, highlight 'Go To' and then tap it or press the trackball.
3. Type '' into the URL field and tap it or press the trackball.
4. Tap 'Search.' Once you have located the Google YouTube download, click 'Download.' Wait for the installation to complete.
5. Type '' into your URL browser to select YouTube videos to view.
How to Place Ads On Your Website
1. Point your browser to the Google AdSense website. Google offers both CPC (cost-per-click) and CPM (cost-per-thousand-impression) ads. Google ads specifically relate to the content on your pages, and ads earn income either when a visitor clicks your CPC advertisement or the CPM ad appears to a visitor who views your site. Google AdSense is ideal if you have lots of quality content, but you must keep your site updated so that traffic continues to flow to your pages and your earnings continue. Click the 'Sign Up Now' button on the Google AdSense page and log in with your Google account to begin.
2. Go to the Amazon Associates website to place ads for Amazon products on your pages. These ads offer the same functionality as the Amazon website, including a shopping cart, customer reviews and search. As an associate, you have the option to create links and banners to specific items, or build widgets and aStores to sell multiple goods in the categories you choose. Money is earned when visitors purchase products on your site, and you earn a referral rate percentage based on the type of payment plan you select. Amazon provides tools that walk you through the ad and code creation, but products can become outdated, so a regular check of your links is needed. Click the 'Build an aStore Now' button on the 'aStore for Amazon Associates' page to register for an account.
3. Navigate to the MaxBounty site to include CPA (cost-per-action) advertising options on your website. Your affiliate account gives you access to higher-payout ads that range from marketing select products to promoting online quizzes. CPA ads cover all types of niches and pay out when a visitor takes an action, such as filling out a form or making a purchase. Registration is free, but you must be interviewed over the phone to see if your site is a good fit for MaxBounty's advertising opportunities. Click the 'Become an Advertiser' link on the MaxBounty Advertisers page to get started.
Saturday, May 3, 2014
How to Register Ads on Google Yahoo!
Setting up an Adwords Campaign
1. Visit the Google Adwords website.
2. Enter a Username and Password into the boxes provided.
3. Log in if you already have a Google Account; if you don't, sign up for one by following the on-screen instructions.
4. Sign into your account on the Adwords homepage.
5. Click on 'Create your First Campaign' to open the Settings tab of your new campaign.
6. Change the language option to the desired language and select the location of the customers you would like to target with your advertisement.
7. Click on 'Google Search Results' if that is where you wish your advertisement to appear, or if you would like a broader audience click 'Google Partner Sites' as well.
8. Enter the amount of money you want to spend per day on your campaign into the box provided. The less you spend the fewer times your advertisement can be viewed on a daily basis. This can, however, be adjusted after you have reviewed your campaign's performance.
9. Enter how much money you wish to bid every time your advertisement is clicked on a website. The price represents the position your advertisement will appear on a webpage and how many times it will be shown.
10. Type the headline for your advertisement. This will appear on the first line of the ad and can act as a link to your website.
11. Enter a description of your service or product. You are given two lines to do this.
12. Type the name of the website you are promoting into the 'Display URL' box. Use the 'Destination URL' box to enter the exact page where you want your link to take the customer.
13. Type in your keywords. These are words that an internet user might search for that will lead the user to your website.
14. Enter your billing information by following the on-screen instructions. Once this is complete, your campaign is active.
Creating an Advertising Unit on Adsense.
15. Go to ',' complete the Adsense application and wait for it to be accepted.
16. Sign into your Adsense account.
17. Click on 'Adsense Setup' and then select 'Adsense for Content.'
18. Click the 'Ad Unit' button.
19. Customize the size and style of your advertisement using the 'Format' drop down menu.
20. Use the 'Color' options to select a color for your border, title, text, background and URL.
21. Enter a name for your advertisement into the 'Adsense Unit Name' text box. You can use this to access your advertisement later to make modifications.
22. Copy the code provided and paste it into your website's HTML Source Code.
Setting up a Campaign on Yahoo! Sponsored Search
23. Go to '' and select 'Sign up Now.' Follow the instructions to start a Yahoo! Sponsored Search account.
24. Sign in to your account.
25. Click on 'Create Campaign.'
26. Type a name for the campaign into the box provided.
27. Set a target location and market for your potential customers using the 'Geo-targeting' option.
28. Click on 'Content Match' if you would like your advertisement to be shown in web pages that are relevant to your product or service.
29. Write your advertisement by typing a headline, product description and URL.
30. Type your keywords into the 'Keywords' box, as these will help potential customers find your advertisements.
31. Set the amount of money you are willing to bid for an advertising slot.
32. Enter the budget you are willing to spend on your campaign.
33. Activate the campaign.
Friday, May 2, 2014
How to Embed Scribd iPaper Documents into a Blog
Embed Scribd iPaper Documents into Your Blog
Sign up for an account at the Scribd Home page (See Resources below). Log into your account. Click on the 'Upload' button at the top of the page. Next, click on the button labeled 'Click to Upload' on the next page.
Browse for the file you want to upload and embed in your blog. Click on 'Open.' On the next page, enter a description and tags if desired. Click on the blue button labeled 'Publish.' This will take you to your uploaded document.
Click on the Scribd iPaper drop-down menu, right above your document. Click on 'Embed Codes.'
Select from the two options*The first option: 'URL Link' provides the direct link to the iPaper on Scribd.*The second option: 'Embed Code' contains the block of script that you will embed into your blog. Click on the 'Copy' button, which will place the code onto your clip board.(Alternatively, click on the 'Embed' icon that is right above your document to copy and paste the code).
5. Log into your Blogger account. Open the post you want to embed the iPaper into, or create a new post. Click the tab to switch to HTML mode. Press 'Control + V,' which will paste the code into your blog. (for Macs, press Command + V)
Click on 'Publish' and in a few seconds, the iPaper document will be embedded. When you click on 'View' you will find your embedded iPaper document displayed. You can opt to have the embedded document displayed as a flip.
Hints for Google AdSense
Do Not Put Too Much Emphasis on Ads
Dedicating space to ads on your web page will help you generate revenue, but dedicating too much space to your AdSense ads can be counterproductive. If the visitors to your website are bombarded with ads, you are not likely to garner the revenue that you expected. Putting too much of an emphasis on the AdSense on your website can cause your website to receive fewer valuable backlinks, and you may even experience less traffic over time.
Look at the Whole Picture
Even if you are attracting a lot of traffic to your website, this is not the entire picture when it comes to AdSense income. You must also consider the type of site and the type of audience when calculating AdSense revenue. AdSense ads are targeted to the content on your website, so certain types of content will create better results than others. If you are creating blogs or websites specifically for AdSense, choose topics that generate a lot of interest and that contain popularly searched-for keywords.
Influence Your Ad Content
Use HTML comment syntax to let Google know which content is most important when it serves ads to your website. Preface your important content with 'google ad section start' in an HTML comment tag to let Google know which content is relevant to your advertising needs. For content that you do not want Google to consider when choosing the ads that your website generates, preface the content with the same tag, but with '(weight=ignore) immediately following the 'google ad section start' comment. End both sections with 'google ad section end,' and Google AdSense will know which sections of your website should and should not contribute to the relevance of your AdSense ads.
Use Google Analytics
Google Analytics is effective in showing you where your traffic is coming from and where it goes. If you want to analyze your visitors, especially when it comes to AdSense traffic, Google Analytics is an essential tool. It will show you where your visitors are clicking to arrive at your site, and even more importantly, whether or not they are clicking your advertisements.
How to Make Clickbank Ads Look Like Google
1. Log in to Clickbank with the user name and password. Click on the 'HopAd Builder' link in the 'Account Settings' tab.
2. Select the 'Text Ads Builder' and get started with the basic appearance of relevant product ads. Enter the keywords associated with the website or blog post the ads will be placed on. Include a tracking ID to later analyze ad campaigns.
3. Choose a layout for the ad. Customize the appearance of the ad block by editing fields. Refresh the ad preview to view any changes made to the layout.
4. Get the HTML ad code for the block ad created. Copy the code and paste it into the website or blog post. Save the HTML ad code to a text file on your computer for future reference.
5. Refresh the website or preview the blog post to view the ads. Check for relevancy and if needed, modify the keywords used in the basic setup of the 'HopAd Builder.'
6. Click on the ad links and follow to the purchase page. Verify the affiliate identification is correct.
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