Tuesday, April 22, 2014

How to Change the Color of Your Google Ads

1. Log in to your Google Adsense account.

2. Click 'My Ads'.

3. Click on an existing ad and click 'Edit Style'.

4. Use color hex codes or select a color by clicking the color box for the different Adsense elements that you wish to change. You can adjust the fonts, border, background and link colors.

5. Click 'Save' when you are done making changes. The changes take a few minutes to reflect on your website.

Monday, April 21, 2014

How to Earn Income Online With Google AdSense Without a Website


Hub Pages - By joining Hub Pages, you will be able to get an AdSense account without even publishing anything at all, and will still get approved. You will get a percentage of the AdSense exposures from your Hubs (2/3 for you), from which you can earn any revenue generated. You can easily integrate Amazon, eBay, Kontera and Google AdSense into your Hubs in order to earn money. You can add Google analytics in order to keep accurate statistics on where your visitors are coming from, which pages they are coming to, how long they stay on the page and other useful information as well.I listed a really easy way to make cash online, click on the link in my Resources Box below this article.


eHow - eHow is another great way to make money online without having your own website. You can post articles in 'how to' format and earn a percentage of revenue generated from your material. You can also upload 'how to' videos and share on those earnings as well. You can write articles that eHow requests to be written, that you will get paid for upon completion and acceptance.Check out the awesome business I listed in my Resources Box below this article.


Flixya - On Flixya you will find various ways to share information and earn on AdSense income as well. You can share with photos, videos, blogs and more. Upload and share your videos. Flixya also gives you free unlimited image hosting that you can use to post ads with on Ebay or Craigslist. You can also use it to share your photo gallery with family and friends. This site pays you 100% of the ad revenue generated from your AdSense clicks. This site is a great money maker in addition to Hub Pages and eHow.For a great way to make money online, click on the link in my Resources Box below this article.

How to Get Your Cancelled Adsense Account Back

1. Ensure that you did not break any of Google's policies of having an Adsense account. Some of the prohibitions include asking others to click on a link to a site via social network, clicking links yourself and using copyrighted material on your site. Review the full list of policies at their website. (see References 1)

2. Visit the website to appeal your Adsense account's deactivation. (see References 2)

3. Fill out the proper fields and wait for Google's reply. If your appeal is denied, you may not have the choice of activating a new account.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

How to Trace a Fake IP

Identify the IP Address

1. Identify the IP address you would like to trace. The IP address can be found in email headers and is sometimes found in server or login information from bulletin boards, forums and other online services. The IP address will look like this: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX. Each position in the address may be one, two or three numbers.

2. Trace an IP address using a free service such as What is My IP, IP-Address, or Arul John. Type the IP address into the search box and click the 'Search' or 'Enter' button. Some servers will show you each 'hop' the route takes until it lands on the IP address for which you are searching. Other servers will just show you the originating server information of the IP address.

3. Trace an IP address from your computer using the 'tracert' function in the DOS Command Prompt. Access the command box by clicking 'Start' and selecting 'Run.' Type 'cmd' in the dialog box and click 'OK.' When the Command Prompt opens, type 'tracert' followed by the IP address. It will look like this: tracert The 'tracert' function will return the name and IP address of each server contacted on the way to the destination IP. The final entry will show the IP address you searched, followed by the name of the server that issued the IP address.

How to Insert HTML Text on 'Web Easy'

1. Launch WebEasy. Open your website and navigate to the Web page that you wish to edit.

2. Click 'Insert' on the menu bar. Select 'Text' and then 'Plain Text.'

3. Select 'Click to Continue' when prompted.

4. Select the area where you wish to add the custom HTML. Double-click the text box.

5. Press 'Delete' on the keyboard to remove the default text. Type 'HTML Placeholder' into the box.

6. Select the text box. A gray, dotted border appears.

7. Open the Tools menu, and select 'Custom Script Assistant.' Choose 'Click to Continue.'

8. Type or copy and paste the HTML code into the Custom Script Assistant box before pressing 'OK.'

How to Make Money Using Adwords Keyword Tool

1. Find a medium through which to publish online — one that will allow you to run Adwords ads. The obvious and simplest choice is to start a blog, something of which Google is very fond. Start a Blogger or Wordpress blog for free and start creating content.

2. Use the Adwords keyword tool in order to help you earn the most amount of money online. There's two ways this tool will help you. The first is is finding keywords that receive high search volume. If you write your content around themes that don't receive any searches, you won't make money. Get high search volume topics, such as health or personal finance, and write around those central themes.

3. Secondly, use the Adwords keyword tool to find keyword phrases that have high cost per click. If advertisers are paying several dollars for each click, you will earn more money every time someone clicks those ads.

4. Sign up for Google's AdSense advertising program and insert the given code to run the ads on your website. Google will browse your site to run ads that are related to the keywords you are using. These are inobtrusive, relevant ads that blend right in with your website. Every time someone clicks one of those ads, you'll make money.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

How to Add an Amazon Ad to a Blogger Blog

Amazon Ad Code

1. Open a Web browser. Go to the Amazon Associates website.

2. Enter your email address and password. Click the 'Sign In' button.

3. Click the 'Links and Banners' link. Click 'Product Links' from the drop-down menu.

4. Search for the product you want to add. Enter a keyword in the Search box. Click the 'Go!' button.

5. Click the 'Get Link' button next to the product you want to add to your Blogger blog.

6. Customize your Amazon ad by changing the colors, borders and image size.

7. Click the 'Highlight HTML' button. Press the 'Ctrl' and 'C' buttons on your computer. This copies the HTML code.

Blogger HTML Gadget

8. Open a Web browser. Go to your Blogger blog by typing the URL into the address bar.

9. Sign into your blog by clicking the link in the top-right corner. Enter your Google username and password. Click the 'Sign In' button.

10. Click the 'Design' link.

11. Click the 'Add a Gadget' link in the area where you want to ad an Amazon ad.

12. Click the '+' button on the HTML/JavaScript gadget. This adds this gadget to your layout.

13. Enter a title for your Amazon ad.

14. Paste the HTML code you copied in the first section by pressing the 'Ctrl' and 'V' keys. Click the 'Save' button.

Blogger HTML Posts

15. Click the 'Posting' tab at the top of your Blogger dashboard.

16. Click the 'New Post' link to create a new blog post. Type your blog post in the provided box.

17. Type your keyword in the Amazon Associates box in the bottom right of the New Posts page. Click the 'Go' button. A list of products that match that search term appears.

18. Click one of the Add option buttons: Link, Image and Link+Image.

19. Click the 'Publish Post' button to publish your blog post.