Wednesday, April 9, 2014

How Google Adsense Works

All Programs

For all the AdSense programs, you can choose where the ad content appears on your site. You also have some influence in choosing what content Google will display on your site. You can filter out the ads from sites that compete with yours, or ads that don't relate to your site's content or that are offensive.


Before you can choose parameters for the AdSense ads, your site has to meet Google's criteria. These include the following: You must be at least 18 and have a website. If you don't have a site, you can use a blogging site such as Blogger, WordPress or TypePad.

AdSense for Content

The AdSense for content program places ads on your site that are relevant to your site's content. For example, if your site is about notable painters throughout the history of art, you can choose to have Google show ads for people promoting products like artist supplies, picture frames, online art lessons, and other goods or services related to art. When you sign up for this AdSense program, Google presents a series of screens that let you choose how ad content will appear. For example, you can choose text-only ads to prevent large images from distracting your site's visitors. You can also choose ad size and font to integrate the ad's look with that of your site. After completing these option screens, Google gives you the HTML code to place on your site's pages. After installing this code and uploading the page to your server, Google starts delivering the ads.

AdSense for Search

Googles AdSense for search program gives you another benefit besides ad revenue: a search engine for your site. In the configuration screens for this AdSense program, you tell Google where on your site you want to place the search engine. You can also indicate which specific pages of your site you want searched. When your site's visitors use the search engine to locate content on your site, ads appear at the top of the search results--just as they do when you use the regular Google search engine.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

How to Earn Money With Pay Per Post

1. In order to have a blog approved for Pay Per Post, the blog must have been in existence for a minimum of 30 days, with a minimum of 10 regular posts. Pay Per Post wants to ensure that bloggers are consistently blogging and that the blog is not a fake created to exploit paid-for blogging sites.

2. Once you've met the minimum requirement, submit your blog to Pay Per Post for approval. The approval process can take anywhere from 24 hours to a week.

3. Upon approval, you may use Pay Per Post’s referral option to earn money. When your referrals sign up and begin blogging in accordance with Pay Per Post’s terms and conditions, you will earn money from the referral logs.

4. Claim blogging assignments. Another way to earn money with Pay Per Post is to claim assignment from advertisers that want bloggers to blog about their product or service. Once you claim the service or product, you have a certain amount of time in which to complete the assignment and submit it for approval and payment.

5. Through the Pay Per Post Direct feature, bloggers can earn money via direct contact with advertisers. In order to solicit direct contact, the blogger must install the Pay Per Post Direct code on their blog, enabling advertisers to select and hire them. The blogger has a certain amount of time in which to complete the Pay Per Post Direct assignment. Once the assignment is completed, the advertiser must approve or reject the post within four days and pay the blogger

Monday, April 7, 2014

How to Insert Banners in Between WordPress Posts

1. Open the 'Appearance' menu on the left side of the WordPress dashboard, and then click 'Editor.'

2. Click the 'Main Index Template' link on the right side of the page to edit the index.php file for your WordPress theme.

3. Locate the code '

' or '

' in the main area of the page. If you do not see either of these, click 'loop.php' on the right side of the page to edit that file instead of index.php. Place the cursor at the beginning of the line, and then press 'Enter' to create a new blank line above the code. Move the cursor to the blank line.

4. Enter the code

in the blank line. Copy the code from this article to avoid a typing error. Edit the number after 'showads' to change where the banner advertisement is shown on your website. To display the advertisement after the third post, for example, change the code to 'showads = 3.'

5. Locate the code '

' or '

' in the file, and place the cursor at the start of a blank line immediately above the code.

6. Type

(ad code)

in the blank line. Change '(ad code)' to the code received from your advertising partner to display the banner, removing the parentheses and words 'ad code.'

7. Click the 'Update File' button at the bottom of the page.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

How to Make Money as a Clickbank Affiliate

1. Build a website. Blogger and Wordpress offer free blogs, and you can buy a domain if you don't want the 'blogspot' or 'wordpress' sub domain name added.

2. Choose A Niche You Want To Promote. It is easier to get sales an products that you know something about. Use your website to promote products similar to your niche and it will be easier to convert leads into sales. Many advertisers make the mistake of promoting a wide range of products when it is easier to sell when you are viewed as reputable.

3. Choose Quality Products That Have High Conversion Rates. Having the most expensive products doesn't mean people will buy it. The more inexpensive the product, and the better the quality and conversion rate, the higher the chance they will buy. Search around for sites and other affiliate programs that have the right type of products you want.

4. Promote your website. Make accounts with YouTube, Myspace, Stumbleupon, Digg, and Facebook and invite users to check out your website. Make videos on youtube talking about your website and interact with others in the community. Some people will promote you if they find your website helps them, and that leads more people to your page, leading to more views for the product you sell.

5. Consider making a free members area. If people are interested in your website they will join and you can add them to your mailing list and offer them products occasionally. Don't spam them though. You want to build trust and actually offer them helpful items.

6. Keep Working At It. There are many ways to make a quick buck, but they can not compare to the lasting effect of building traffic and interest in your site. Keep working at optimizing your website and fine tuning the products you sell. Mess around with features and bring freshness to your page and you will benefit. You too can have success with affiliate marketing if you work at it.

Google AdSense Revenue Tips

Contrast Ads to Design

A study by The Software Usability Research Laboratory at Wichita State University found that contrast works well. Google suggests that blended ads work well, but study results show the opposite. Participants in the study were attracted to high-contrast ads, while ignoring ads that blended with the design. This indicates that using high-contrast ads can result in more clicks and income because the ads attract more attention.

Place Ads High

Joel Comm, author of 'The AdSense Code,' recommends placing Google ads above the fold of your website. Ads above the fold appear at the top of the page and are visible without scrolling down or across. According to Comm, people are more likely to read and click ads that appear before they get distracted by reading your website content.

Wide Over Tall

Google reports that wide ad sizes outperform tall ad sizes. Google goes on to say that If positioned well, wide ad sizes can significantly increase earnings. Large-rectangle 336-by-280 ads, medium-rectangle 300-by-250 ads and wide skyscraper 160-by-600 ads are high performers. However, you should only choose these sizes if they are suited to the page.

Increase Keyword Density

Google feeds ads to your website based on its content. If Google decides your page is about widgets, then widget ads will appear on your website. Keywords are how Google determines what your website is about. In order to attract ads related to your website's topic, you must use relevant keywords. When an ad's content matches your website content, visitors are more likely to click the ad.

How to Stop Ads by Google

Internet Explorer

1. Launch Internet Explorer.

2. Select 'Safety' and then 'InPrivate Filtering Settings.'

3. Select 'Choose content to block or allow' and then set the minimum number of website visits to the lowest possible value if there are not items displayed in the list. If your history is completely empty, you will need to browse through at least three pages with Google advertisements before you are able to block the ads using InPrivate Filtering.

4. Select each '' item in the list and then click 'Block.' This will stop Google advertisements from being displayed when browsing the Internet.

Mozilla Firefox

5. Launch Mozilla Firefox.

6. Select 'Tools' and then 'Add-ons.'

7. Select 'Get Add-ons' and search for 'Adblock Plus.' (See References)

8. Click 'Add to Firefox' and then restart Firefox once the extension is installed.

9. Navigate to a website with Google advertising and then click the Adblock Plus button in your Firefox toolbar. This will open the Adblock module at the bottom of Firefox.

10. Select each '' item in the list and then click 'Block.' This will stop Google advertisements from being displayed when browsing the Internet.

Google Chrome

11. Launch Google Chrome.

12. Navigate to the 'Chrome Extensions' page for AdBlock. (See Resources)

13. Click 'Install.' The AdBlock extension will be installed and ready to use immediately.

14. Navigate to a website with Google advertising and then right-click in an empty space and select 'AdBlock,' 'Block an ad on this page.'

15. Click the Google advertisement on the page and then click 'Looks good' if the advertisement is blocked correctly.

How to Make Money by typing online at home


Ehow has stopped their writers compensation program but has the best one available on the net today

Go to and sign up now if you haven't done so already.

Membership is free and if you decide to share your knowledge and write articles that are in any format, you CAN earn a real passive income here!Join the Writers Compensation Program and put in your Google Adsense information, if you do not have a Google Adsense account you will find a link on the membership area.Sign on for their Writers Compensation Program and enter your Google Adsense information.

Don't have a Google Adsense account? No problem, you will find a link on the site that will take you to Google Adsense.Accept that making money from your articles involves time. is about sharing information and ideas in a nurturing and friendly way. The more time you devote to writing, the more money you can make. Make sure that the articles you write are unique, well written and informative as well as timely and you should do well here.

2. REALIZE that you can't get something for nothing.

This takes time and effort on your part, but it will NEVER Cost you money! is about community. You should be in the mindset that you are part of a community and you should be there to learn as well as share your own unique information garnered throughout your lifetime.

Not only are you sharing your own ideas but you should also be reading, rating and contemplating what others have written here as well. We all have a vast amount of knowledge about a variety of topics so no matter who you are, there is something that someone has to share that you did not know before reading their articles.


Get How 2s is new but they are another site that will pay you 90% of your google adsensse income if you write content on their website and it is ok with them if you place your content from other sites onto theirs as long as you change things up a bit and the content you post belongs to you.There is a link to Get How 2s in the resources section below


Bukisa will also let you post content that you own on their site, you will have to play with this site a bit to get used to how it works. But hey it is another free site you can join and make money from.There is a link to Bukisa in the resources section below


Redgage is a unique site where you post links to articles, blogs, photos, videos, youtube, etc in one central location.

They you get paid per click from their site to the sites that actually host your articles. People can then rate your articles on redgage to increase your pay per click ratios.

Eventually they will get the documents link up where you can actually post the content directly onto their site as well but as I understand it, it may not be up just yet.

6. SIGN UP FOR AFFILIATES PROGRAMSThere are several web sites out there that will pay you to sell their merchandise. You do not have to do a thing but post links to their information in your resources section of your articles or if you have a website you can set up an online store or links to individual items.Again this is free to join, and you get paid per click on the sale of their merchandise, you do not have to box, ship or otherwise handle the goods you list for sale.If you use Tweetbucks to shorten those long url's to the affiliate merchandise you often receive more per click than you would have otherwise received by simply using Tweetbucks to shorten those long url's.


I have the url for affiliates page in my resources section below.Say you are writing an article about how to properly apply eye shadow.

You know that sells various shades and types of eye shadow, so you can log onto your affiliates account, locate eye shadows and pick a couple to post onto your resources section on your articles. Now if you use tweetbucks to shorten that long url you can then be paid anytime someone clicks on that link, then if they actually buy something while using your link you will receive a commission off of that sale. Great right?

But how do you figure out what to use out of that HUGE url that gives you?

Well first does not support images so click on text only, then highlight that text by moving your mouse over the text and right clicking and then click select all, then copy. This information you will post into the box on the right side of where you enter the web address. Then go back to your page and you will see that there will be a ' followed by http:// then a long url and another set of ' this information is what you will highlight and copy to place again into your tweetbucks url shortener web page. Now your link will pay more per click than it would have if you just put it straight into your links box.