Wednesday, May 8, 2013

How to Create a Web Page for Oxado

1. Research Web hosting providers online and determine if you prefer a free or paid hosting plan. Choose a Web hosting company after reading through the terms of service. Fill out all necessary information, including your name, mail address, email address and phone number, as requested by the company. Choose a domain name such as or Pay fees required upon checkout. Check your email for login information to be used when creating your website.

2. Download any additional software needed to create your website, such as an image editor and Web page editor. Install the software on the computer.

3. Create the graphics needed for your website using the image editor, including a header that displays the name of your website. Open the Web page editor and choose a color theme that matches your personal preference. Add all images and text for your new website. Be sure to save your work frequently.

4. Connect to your Web hosting provider's server using the information provided in the confirmation email message that was sent to you after signing up. Use the 'Publish' or 'Upload' button to upload the website you just created to the server. Test your new website by typing the URL into the window address of your favorite browser.

5. Go to the Oxado website. Read the information provided on the website thoroughly. Click 'Sign Up' and fill out all of the requested information, including the URL to your website. Wait for your confirmation email and click on the link provided in the message. Go to your account information on the Oxado site to obtain the code for the size of the ad you wish to place on the website pages.

6. Go back to your Web page editor and add the code to the pages of your website. Find a location where all readers can easily see the ad and hopefully click on it. Save and upload the edited pages to your server again. Refresh your website and ensure the Oxado ads are in the proper location.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

How to Create a Blog Get Paid

Getting Started

1. Brainstorm subjects you are comfortable writing about. If you cannot see yourself being interested in the topic for more than six months, move on to another topic.

2. Create your blog. The most popular servers for blogs are Blogger, LiveJournal and Wordpress. You can host for free on these sites, but you can also pay for your domain. A domain name typically costs about $30 to $60 per year and is more credible among pay-per-blog sites. Your earning potential with a free blog significantly decreases, and it takes longer to get accepted into a paid-blogging program.

3. Start blogging. Keep content fresh in search results by updating often. Try to post entries of 250 words or more since Google will more likely to pick up your blog in search results. Use keywords often and practice Search Engine Optimization, usually called SEO, to make it easier for people who are searching your topic to find you.

4. Advertise your blog. Get an online following by using a networking tool like Twitter or FaceBook to engage with people around the globe who share your interest. Tweet each new posting and encourage readers to subscribe.

Getting Paid

5. Apply for pay-to-blog programs after you've been blogging a steady three months. By three months in, if your blog is focused, visible on the Web and well-written, you will have a following.

6. Check blog job sites like Pay Per Post, Smorty and BloggerWave, as these are some of the most popular sites that pay bloggers who post on a regular basis.

7. Set up a PayPal account. When you are accepted into a pay-per-blog program, PayPal is the most common way to get paid. Link your account to your checking account if you want your money transferred to your bank.

8. Advertise your progress after you have been accepted to a pay-per-blog program. You may want to start another blog with another central focus or use Google AdSense to maximize your earning potential. Keep readers visiting your site by having quality, interesting content.

How to work at home with Google

1. Research the different options for working with Google. Two positions are currently advertised with Google, ads rater and quality rater. WorkForce Logic advertises on the Google Jobs site for the ads rater position while LionBridge and Leapforce hire for quality rater using job boards.

2. Carefully read the application instructions and apply at one or all of the three companies currently hiring for telecommuting positions with Google. These companies are WorkForce Logic, LionBridge, and Leapforce and each has different requirements.

3. Set up a Gmail account to apply. This is a requirement for applying. Previously set-up Gmail accounts can be used.

4. Apply to one of the three companies being again careful to follow all directions specified by the specific employer.

5. Apply to a second company if no response is given from the first choice company. Apply about once a week if no response is given but stop applying if the company sends a denial letter.

How to Take off Google Ads From YouTube

Internet Explorer

1. Launch Internet Explorer on your computer. Go to the Simple Adblock website and click the 'Download' link on the front page. Download the file and save it to your computer.

2. Click the 'Run' button when Internet Explorer prompts you with the message 'Do you want to run or save the simpleadblock.msi?' message.

3. Wait for the 'Simple Adblock Setup' windows to appear on the screen and click 'Next.' Accept the End-User License Agreement then click 'Next.' Click the 'Install' button to install the IE plugin on your computer. Click the 'Finish' button when prompted.

4. Close Internet Explorer and restart it. Click the 'Enable' button when Internet Explorer asks you to confirm if you want to use the 'SimpleAdblock' add-on.

5. Visit the YouTube site and select a video. Once the video starts, you should no longer see YouTube ads.

Mozilla Firefox

6. Open Firefox on your computer. Click 'Tools' then 'Add-ons' on the menu bar. Once the 'Add-on Manager' tab appears in the browser, click the 'Get Add-ons' link on the left side of the page.

7. Click the 'Learn More' button. In the 'What are Add-ons?' box. Wait for Firefox to load the main Add-Ons page in the browser.

8. Type 'Adblock Plus' in the search box in the upper-right corner of the Add-ons page.

9. Click the green 'Add to Firefox' button next to the 'Adblock Plus' entry in the 'Search Results' area. It should be the first add-on in the list. The Adblock Plus is a featured Firefox add-on and recommended by Mozilla.

10. Wait while Firefox downloads the add-on and displays the 'Software Installation' window. Verify the add-on is from 'Wladimir Palant' then click the 'Install Now' button. Click the 'Restart Now' button when prompted. Firefox restarts and reloads all of your tabs from the previous session.

Monday, May 6, 2013

How to Start a Google Website

1. Go to the Google sites web page by entering '' into a browser. Click 'Learn more'.

2. Click the blue 'Get Started' button on the right side of the 'Overview' page.

3. Log in with your Google account and password if you are not already logged in.

4. Choose a template from the selection of template types or browse the gallery for more.

5. Enter a name for the site under 'Name your Site'.

6. Give the site a location by entering a URL under 'Your site will be located at this URL'. This is the address the site will live at. The URL for the site cannot conflict with an existing site name so it must be unique. Your Google account name is allowed as a site location.

7. Choose a theme if desired by expanding the 'Choose a theme' tab and selecting a theme.

8. Give the site a description by expanding the 'More Options' tab. You can also choose who can view the site and select a mature content warning by checking the appropriate check box if this warning applies to the site.

9. Type the code under 'Please type the code shown' in the provided box.

10. Click the 'Create site' button to create your site and start adding content.

How to Put Ads on Google

1. Go to and sign up for an AdWords account. Once you have done this, log in to your new account.

2. Add money to your account. Ads are paid for on a per-click basis, and will run as long as money is in your AdWords account. If you want, just pay a small amount like $10 in to start with, to play around and get used to the features. To do this, click 'Billing' then 'Make payments.' Don't worry about running out -- AdWords will notify you when your balance is low.

3. Click 'Campaigns,' then 'New Campaign' under the graph in the middle.

4. Fill out the fields and answer the questions that appear. From here, you can choose the languages and countries you want your ad to appear in, the networks (search or AdSense), and your budget for this campaign. Click 'Save and continue' when done.

5. Click your campaign which has now appeared on the left side, under 'All online campaigns.'

6. Click 'New ad group,' just under the graph in the middle.

7. Fill out the fields that appear. This is where you write out the title of your ad and the description text. A preview appears below so you can check what it looks like.

8. Scroll down to the keywords section. This part is important. Enter the keywords relating to your ad in the box on the left. Google use these keywords to determine what searches or websites your ad will appear on -- be sure they are relevant.

9. Set the default pricing for this ad group. Pricing works in a 'bidding' fashion, so if there is a lot of competition for the keywords you have chosen, expect to pay more to get your ad in a good position or to get a decent amount of page views.

10. Click 'Save ad group.' Your ads will appear after they have been approved by Google. Repeat this process for other ad groups or keywords. You can have as many ads or campaigns as you like, and you can edit the ads, pricing and other settings after you see how they perform.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

How to Make One Dollar Per Day Blogging

1. Write about current topics. If you write an entertainment blog, you should write about all of the latest celebrity gossip. This will interest like-minded readers and draw them to your blog.

2. Use proper keyword density. In short, keyword density is nothing more than the number of times the 'key' word or phrase appears in a body of work. For example, the keyword of this step would be the word 'keyword.' As eHow writer Summer Banks explains, keywords should be in 'the first sentence of the first paragraph, the last sentence of the first paragraph, once per paragraph of the body, and in the last sentence of the last paragraph.' When you do this, your work will come up when people search for that particular word or phrase on websites such as Google or Yahoo. For more information, see the Resources section below.

3. Use photos and embed videos in your blog. This helps to make the blog more entertaining for readers which will keep them coming back. Once your blog gets some loyal daily readers, making money everyday from blogging will become a very easy task.

4. Advertise your blog on social networking sites to friends and family. An easy way to get readers to your blog is word of mouth. Posting your blog on sites like Facebook and MySpace will attract your friends to your blog. Hopefully, those people will then tell others and word will spread.

5. Add advertisements to your blog. It's important to remember that you don't just make money from writing a free blog. There must be something to generate revenue. Ads are the way this is done. Google Adsense is a very easy program to use for adding advertisements to your blog.

6. Post your writings on other websites which pay for page views. Since you've published this work on a separate blog, you won't be paid just for these posts. However, websites like Associated Content allow users to post blogs and other pieces onto their website. The website then pays writers for each page view their work receives.