Friday, May 3, 2013

How to Make My Google Ads Better Fit My Site

1. Open up the 'Google AdSense ad formats' page in your web browser.This page shows the formats and sizes for all the different types of ads that Google displays. All of the measurements given are in pixels, which is a standard measurement used in website design.Review these ad types carefully, as there are various types and sizes.

2. Open up the website on which you already display or wish to display ads.Consider the best places to put ads on your site or how to change existing ads given the content and layout of your site. As a general rule, place ads near navigation elements and in prominent positions.

3. Open your Web browser and log on to your Google AdSense account. Your AdSense home screen will appear.

4. Click on the second option along the blue menu bar labelled 'My Ads'.To create a new ad, click the 'New ad unit' button. To edit an existing ad, find it in the list of current ads and click it.Edit your ads to your satisfaction and ad them to your website.

What Is the Meaning of Website Advertising?

Web vs. Real-World Ads

Both similarities and differences exist between ads on websites and in the real world, such as those you find in magazines, newspapers and billboards. In either instance, one party pays to be able to promote a product or service in an area large numbers of people see every day. On the other hand, while placing an ad on a billboard or in a newspaper always requires a fixed-fee payment by the company advertising, website ads sometimes generate revenue for the site owner on a per-click basis -- the more visitors to the site that click the ad, the more the owner earns.

Third-Party Ads

When a website uses ads that generate revenue based on the number of clicks, a single third party sponsors and hosts them, usually for a larger and more diverse body of clients than a website owner would otherwise be able to procure. A well-known example of a third-party provider is Google, through its AdSense program. Merchants and other online outlets pay Google to be able to advertise through the program. Webmasters wanting to earn revenue from advertising agree to put the ads on their site. In this instance, advertisers and the websites who place their ads never come into contact.

Pitfalls of Per-Click Advertising

One temptation after putting per-click ads on your site is to click the ads yourself or have others click them for you. Whether or not you use Google AdSense, third-party advertising sponsors have the ability to track visitors based on their IP address -- and if they trace fraudulent clicks to yours, it could result in your being banned from the program. Another disadvantage of using a third-party ad program like Google AdSense is that per-click yields are often nominal -- and unless your website generates huge amounts of traffic and a certain percentage of your users click your ad, your potential for revenue can fluctuate over time.

Big-Name Advertisers

Another way to generate revenue from ads is waiting until you grow your website substantially and contacting large companies to advertise on your website. If your website becomes extremely popular or well-known, companies may even solicit you for the opportunity to advertise on your site. This process works in the same way as traditional advertising -- a fixed-fee payment upfront and, in some instances, a percentage of subsequent sales -- and generates more consistent and often higher revenue.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

How to Make a Google Ad Center

1. Paste your Google ad into the place you want it to appear on your website. If you don't have the ad code, access your Google AdSense account and click 'Setup,' and then 'Manage Ads.' Click 'Code' to retrieve the code next to your specific ad.

2. Move to the beginning of the ad code. You should see this:

3. Add the following HTML tag to the beginning, so the snippet looks like this:

5. Type the closing HTML tag to center the ad. The result should look like this:

How to Allow Authentication for User

1. Look up the User Agent authentication for a particular bot. For example, the Google crawler is represented by the user agents 'Googlebot-2.1,' 'Googlebot-Mozilla-x.x,' or 'Google-AdSense-x.x'

2. Call the 'http_user_agent' variable in the '$_SYSTEM' global array of the PHP interpreter in your script to determine the user agent of the bot:

3. Check the bot authentication against a list of bot agents. If the http_user_agent variable matches, allow the bot access:if ($agent == 'Googlebot-2.1'){

/*authentication code*/


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

How to Insert Adsense in the Header of a Thesis Theme

1. Enter your WordPress dashboard and find the plug-ins box in the left-hand tool bar. Click 'Add New.'

2. Type 'Thesis OpenHook' into the search field and submit your query. The top result should be the OpenHook plug-in. Install the plug-in following the on-screen cues.

3. Return to your WordPress Dashboard. Click the OpenHook plug-in settings link in the 'Appearances' box.

4. Click the 'Header' tab in the OpenHook plug-in and insert the following code where you would like your ad to appear:Adsense codeReplace 'Adsense code' with your own adsense code. Save your changes.

5. Change the '' line in the code to '' if you need to alter the alignment, spacing or margins of your code. Add these additional style elements to the 'custom.php' stylesheet in your Thesis theme, using the tag '#header_ad.'

How to Add Google Adsense to Google Sites

1. Sign into your Google AdSense account with your username and password. Use the drop-down menu in the top left-hand corner to select the site you want to work with.

2. Locate the “More Actions” drop-down menu, and click on the menu and when it drops down; select the “Manage Site” option.

3. Scan the left side of the page and find the “Monetize” option. Click on this option with your mouse.

4. Select the “Monetize this Site” button and click it.

5. Create a new AdSense account for the Google site by clicking the “Create” radio button or make use of an existing AdSense account by clicking the “Use Existing AdSense Account” radio button, to integrate with the Google site. You will need to adhere to the instructions appearing on the screen, depending on the radio button you select.

6. Go to your Google site and insert the code generated by and copied from Google Adsense. Accomplish this by clicking the “Insert” option and pasting the code from Google Adsense into either the page or the sidebar.

How Does Internet Radio Make Money

Costs Associated with Online Radio Stations

While there are options available that allow an individual to create and maintain simple and free Internet radio stations there are still costs associated with maintaining and running a station, no matter how large or small.

Equipment, Internet access, hosting fees and potential royalty payments to record labels (stations playing any copyrighted music must pay royalties) can turn even a free online station into a monthly expense for the owner, so it is in her best interest to find sources of income to help pay the bills.

Ad-Based Internet Radio

Internet radio stations can sell airtime to advertisers and play their ads during programming. For novice and smaller operations, web-based ads may work better. Programs such as Google AdSense allow anyone with a website to sign up for free and place Google-programmed ads on their station's websites.


Many stations solicit donations from loyal listeners to help pay the bills. Companies such as PayPal allow users to set up a free account and add a 'PayPal donation' button to their website.

Listeners can then donate a set amount or the amount of their choice or sign up to donate automatically on a monthly basis, giving listeners the ability to support radio programming they enjoy.

Payola Practices

Payola—when a band or record label pays a radio station or DJ to play its music—is illegal, as it has been dating back to the 1950s, when such scandals rocked the commercial-radio business. But it is technically legal for a band or record label to pay a station to play a song as long as the station announces that arrangement on air before playing the song, notes that the song does not constitute regular airplay, and states that the song is sponsored airtime.

Some consider this practice, even with full disclosure, to be unethical, so a station owner should decide where she stands on this issue.